Incompatible null safety between exported librariesDRT-W1339
The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a library that was opted in to null safety exports another library, and the exported library is opted out of null safety.
Given a library that is opted out of null safety:
// @dart = 2.8
String s;
The following code produces this diagnostic because it's exporting symbols from an opted-out library:
export 'optedOut.dart';
class C {}
Common fixes
If you're able to do so, migrate the exported library so that it doesn't need to opt out:
String? s;
If you can't migrate the library, then remove the export:
class C {}
If the exported library (the one that is opted out) itself exports an opted-in library, then it's valid for your library to indirectly export the symbols from the opted-in library. You can do so by adding a hide combinator to the export directive in your library that hides all of the names declared in the opted-out library.