Code Coverage

Send coverage reports from any CI system you use and discover actionable issues and metrics to improve your code’s coverage on every pull request.

Code Coverage

Powerful coverage tracking for all of your tech stack.

You don’t need to use a separate tool for tracking your code’s coverage. DeepSource’s simple yet powerful coverage tracking gives you complete visibility into your test suite’s completeness and effectiveness.

Works with all CI systems

Use our CLI to send coverage reports from any Continuous Integration (CI) environment you use or use one of our built-in integrations.

Supports all major programming languages

Out-of-the-box code coverage tracking for Python, Go, JavaScript, Java, PHP, and C++, among others.

Built-in coverage metrics

See metrics like line coverage, branch coverage, condition coverage, new code coverage, and aggregated repository coverage on your default branch and every pull request.

Actionable issues

Each block of code that is not covered in the test suite is raised as an issue, making it more actionable than just tracking the coverage percentage.

Powerful thresholds system

Create sophisticated gating rules based on coverage issues and metric thresholds and configure your VCS provider to block pull-request if any of these rules are violated.

Flexible reporting formats

Send coverage reports in formats such as Cobertura, LCOV, SimpleCov, Clover, and others.
Go from integration to results within minutes

Go from integration to results within minutes

DeepSource’s open-source CLI is a lightweight binary that works with any CI environment without any installation required. Simply download the binary in your build pipeline and send the coverage file to DeepSource with a simple command.

Systematically improve your test suite

Most code coverage tools show only the percentage change in the coverage, making it difficult to determine what needs to be changed to improve the metric. DeepSource takes a composite approach, showing the exact lines of code in the pull request that are missing tests and the change in key coverage metrics.

Systematically improve your test suite
Go from integration to results within minutes

Uncover insights across the organization

Bundled with our powerful reporting module, easily identify coverage metrics and historical trends across your entire organization. Quickly identify which projects need attention and enable developers to prioritize what needs to be fixed.

Systematically improve your test suite


Loved by developers. Trusted by enterprises.

Our platform enables thousands of enterprises to manage their code health while providing their developers a pleasant experience.

I'm a big fan of DeepSource. I reviewed quite a few products to better support our engineers and the quality of problems found was far better than Codacy or Code Climate for our Python backend codebase.

Adam Pietrzycki


We compared it against other tools and DeepSource seemed to find more meaningful things in the code. Since we've adopted it, we've hired more junior-level engineers to focus on the bug risks and security issues DeepSource finds. It finds things our engineers generally miss.

John Craft

VP of Engineering

DeepSource looks at things that might create a security problem or a performance problem going forward; or if we're violating a best practice. All that gets codified into DeepSource and as developers, for code reviews, now we can focus on higher-order bits.

Arpit Mohan

Co-founder & CEO

DeepSource is static code analysis for humans. Stop wasting your time setting up and maintaining CLI tools on CI, just use DeepSource.

Ruslan Kuprieiev

Team Lead

Thanks to DeepSource, all our code quality practices are now automated. It automatically highlights code quality issues and helps us fix them even before someone reviews the code manually — saving a lot of the reviewer's time.

Joy Lal Chattaraj


Start managing your code
health from a single platform.