Don't put any logic in createStateDRT-W1023Don't assign a variable to itselfDRT-W1024Don't use wildcard parameters or variablesDRT-W1025Don't use the Null type, unless you are positive that you don't want voidDRT-W1027Separate the control structure expression from its statementDRT-W1041Avoid unnecessary containersDRT-W1072Avoid empty else statementsDRT-W1003Avoid final for parameter declarationsDRT-W1054Sort combinator names alphabeticallyDRT-W1080Avoid `print` calls in production codeDRT-W1004Don't use more than one case with same valueDRT-W1022Sort pub dependencies alphabeticallyDRT-W1039Avoid bool literals in conditional expressionsDRT-W1046Avoid shadowing type parametersDRT-W1069Name extensions using UpperCamelCaseDRT-W1076Prefer using lowerCamelCase for constant namesDRT-W1082Attach library doc comments to library directivesDRT-W1084Deprecated member used in the same packageDRT-W1015Prefer relative imports for files in `lib/`DRT-W1026Avoid relative imports for files in `lib/`DRT-W1001Avoid slow async `dart:io` methodsDRT-W1006Avoid <Type>.toString() in production code since results may be minifiedDRT-W1007Avoid types as parameter namesDRT-W1008Avoid using web-only libraries outside Flutter web plugin packagesDRT-W1009Cancel instances of dart.async.StreamSubscriptionDRT-W1010Close instances of `dart.core.Sink`DRT-W1011Put required named parameters firstDRT-W1042Only reference in scope identifiers in doc commentsDRT-W1013Avoid control flow in finally blocksDRT-W1014DO reference all public properties in debug methodsDRT-W1016Don't invoke asynchronous functions in non-async blocksDRT-W1017Avoid empty statementsDRT-W1018Boolean expression composed only with literalsDRT-W1020Don't use adjacent strings in listDRT-W1021Test type arguments in operator ==(Object other)DRT-W1028Avoid `throw` in finally blockDRT-W1029Avoid using unnecessary statementsDRT-W1030Equality operator `==` invocation with references of unrelated typesDRT-W1031Avoid unsafe HTML APIsDRT-W1032Do not use BuildContexts across async gapsDRT-W1033Use key in widget constructorsDRT-W1034Use valid regular expression syntaxDRT-W1035Depend on referenced packagesDRT-W1036Use secure urls in `pubspec.yaml`DRT-W1038Declare method return typesDRT-W1040Avoid relative imports for files in `lib/`DRT-W1005Invocation of various collection methods with arguments of unrelated typesDRT-W1012Specify type annotationsDRT-W1043Annotate overridden membersDRT-W1044Avoid annotating with dynamic when not requiredDRT-W1045Avoid field initializers in const classesDRT-W1053Avoid catches without on clausesDRT-W1047Don't explicitly catch Error or types that implement itDRT-W1048Avoid defining a class that contains only static membersDRT-W1049Avoid double and int checksDRT-W1050Avoid overloading operator == and hashCode on classes not marked `@immutable`DRT-W1051Avoid escaping inner quotes by converting surrounding quotesDRT-W1052Avoid using `forEach` with a function literalDRT-W1055Don't implement classes that override `==`DRT-W1056Don't explicitly initialize variables to nullDRT-W1057Avoid JavaScript rounded intsDRT-W1058Don't declare multiple variables on a single lineDRT-W1059Don't check for null in custom == operatorsDRT-W1060Avoid positional boolean parametersDRT-W1061Avoid private typedef functionsDRT-W1062Avoid redundant argument valuesDRT-W1063Don't rename parameters of overridden methodsDRT-W1064Avoid return types on settersDRT-W1065Avoid setters without gettersDRT-W1068Avoid single cascade in expression statementsDRT-W1070Avoid defining unused parameters in constructorsDRT-W1073Avoid async functions that return voidDRT-W1074Await only futuresDRT-W1075Name types using UpperCamelCaseDRT-W1077Cascade consecutive method invocations on the same referenceDRT-W1078Don't cast a nullable value to a non nullable typeDRT-W1079Missing conditional importDRT-W1081DO use curly braces for all flow control structuresDRT-W1083Missing deprecated annotationDRT-W1085Always override `hashCode` if overriding `==`DRT-W1019Adhere to Effective Dart Guide directives sorting conventionsDRT-W1086Do not use environment declared variablesDRT-W1087Use `lowercase_with_underscores` for package namesDRT-W1037Avoid returning this from methods just to enable a fluent interfaceDRT-W1067Avoid annotating types for function expression parametersDRT-W1071Avoid method calls or property accesses on a "dynamic" targetDRT-W1002Avoid returning null for voidDRT-W1066Use interpolation to compose strings and valuesDRT-W1146Unnecessary new keywordDRT-W1182Missing whitespace between adjacent stringsDRT-W1104Provide doc comments for all public APIsDRT-W1117Parameter type mismatch for constant constructorDRT-W1265Remove deprecated key from `pubspec.yaml`DRT-W1297The operator x ~/ y is more efficient than (x / y).toInt()DRT-W1302Only throw instances of classes extending either Exception or ErrorDRT-W1115Prefer putting asserts in initializer listsDRT-W1121Integer literal exceeds 64-bit representation limitDRT-W1406Prefer final in for-each loop variable if reference is not reassignedDRT-W1134Use a function declaration to bind a function to a nameDRT-W1139Prefer using null aware operatorsDRT-W1153Don't create a lambda when a tear-off will doDRT-W1179Remove unnecessary backslashes in stringsDRT-W1190Unnecessary string interpolationDRT-W1191Unnecessary toList() in spreadsDRT-W1193Prefer intValue.isOdd/isEven instead of checking the result of % 2DRT-W1201Concrete classes can't have 'Enum' as a superinterfaceDRT-W1257Duplicate part directivesDRT-W1312Use `lowercase_with_underscores` when specifying a library prefixDRT-W1100Don't use null check on a potentially nullable type parameterDRT-W1111The 'name' field is required but missingDRT-W1476Prefer using `??=` over testing for nullDRT-W1124Prefer const literals as parameters of constructors on @immutable classesDRT-W1128Prefer to use whereType on iterableDRT-W1150Prefer using mixinsDRT-W1151Sort constructor declarations before other membersDRT-W1165Avoid using `null` in `if null` operatorsDRT-W1185Use if-null operators to convert nulls to boolsDRT-W1200Use a setter for operations that conceptually change a propertyDRT-W1205Invalid assignment of a value marked with `doNotStore`DRT-W1232Invalid usage of non-mixin class as a mixinDRT-W1254An extension override can't be used to access a static member from an extensionDRT-W1349The value of the 'flutter' field is expected to be a mapDRT-W1372Inline function types can't be used for parameters in a generic function typeDRT-W1423Non-type name used as typeDRT-W1538Missing positional arguments in function invocationDRT-W1540Annotation creation must have argumentsDRT-W1545Missing dart libraryDRT-W1470Named parameters can't start with an underscoreDRT-W1578The expression in an assert must be of type 'bool'DRT-W1506Enums can only declare final fieldsDRT-W1526Deferred classes can't be used as superclass constraintsDRT-W1493Avoid empty catch blocksDRT-W1088Prefer const over final for declarationsDRT-W1127Use `;` instead of `{}` for empty constructor bodiesDRT-W1089Put a single newline at end of fileDRT-W1090Define case clauses for all constants in enum-like classesDRT-W1091Name source files using `lowercase_with_underscores`DRT-W1092Use Flutter TODO format: // TODO(username): message, https://URL-to-issueDRT-W1093Don't import implementation files from another packageDRT-W1094Explicitly tear-off `call` methods when using an object as a FunctionDRT-W1095Join return statement with assignment when possibleDRT-W1096Start multiline strings with a newlineDRT-W1097Attach library annotations to library directivesDRT-W1098Name libraries using `lowercase_with_underscores`DRT-W1099Avoid using private types in public APIsDRT-W1101Avoid lines longer than 80 charactersDRT-W1102Use matching super parameter namesDRT-W1103Avoid leading underscores for library prefixesDRT-W1105Avoid leading underscores for local identifiersDRT-W1106Don't compare booleans to boolean literalsDRT-W1107Avoid calling toString() on runtimeTypeDRT-W1108Name non-constant identifiers using lowerCamelCaseDRT-W1109Noop primitive operationsDRT-W1110Do not pass `null` as an argument where a closure is expectedDRT-W1112Omit type annotations for local variablesDRT-W1113Avoid defining a one-member abstract class when a simple function will doDRT-W1114Don't override fieldsDRT-W1116Prefix library names with the package name and a dot-separated pathDRT-W1118Don't reassign references to parameters of functions or methodsDRT-W1119Prefer asserts with messageDRT-W1122Use collection literals when possibleDRT-W1123Prefer const with constant constructorsDRT-W1125Prefer defining constructors instead of static methods to create instancesDRT-W1129Use contains for `List` and `String` instancesDRT-W1130Prefer double quotes where they won't require escape sequencesDRT-W1131Use => for short members whose body is a single return statementDRT-W1132Private field could be finalDRT-W1133Prefer final for variable declarations if they are not reassignedDRT-W1135Prefer final for parameter declarations if they are not reassignedDRT-W1136Prefer 'for' elements when building maps from iterablesDRT-W1137Don't access members with `this` unless avoiding shadowingDRT-W1192Use `forEach` to only apply a function to all the elementsDRT-W1138Prefer generic function type aliasesDRT-W1140Prefer if elements to conditional expressions where possibleDRT-W1141Prefer using if null operatorsDRT-W1142Use initializing formals when possibleDRT-W1143Inline list item declarations where possibleDRT-W1144Prefer int literals over double literalsDRT-W1145Use `isEmpty` for Iterables and MapsDRT-W1147Prefer is! operatorDRT-W1149Prefer null aware method callsDRT-W1152Only use double quotes for strings containing single quotesDRT-W1154Unreachable top-level members in executable librariesDRT-W1194Use spread collections when possibleDRT-W1155Prefer typing uninitialized variables and fieldsDRT-W1156Provide a deprecation message, via @Deprecated("message")DRT-W1157Document all public membersDRT-W1158Property getter recursively returns itselfDRT-W1159Use trailing commas for all function calls and declarationsDRT-W1160SizedBox for whitespaceDRT-W1161Use SizedBox shrink and expand named constructorsDRT-W1162Prefer using /// for doc commentsDRT-W1163Use `ColoredBox`DRT-W1195Sort child properties last in widget instance creationsDRT-W1164Sort unnamed constructor declarations firstDRT-W1166Tighten type of initializing formalDRT-W1167Type annotate public APIsDRT-W1168Don't type annotate initializing formalsDRT-W1169Don't use constant patterns with type literalsDRT-W1170`Future` results in `async` function bodies must be `await`ed or marked `unawaited` using `dart:async`DRT-W1171Unnecessary await keyword in returnDRT-W1172Avoid using braces in interpolation when not neededDRT-W1173Don't use explicit `break`s when a break is impliedDRT-W1174Unnecessary `.new` constructor nameDRT-W1176The keyword 'final' isn't necessary because the parameter is implicitly 'final'DRT-W1177Avoid wrapping fields in getters and setters just to be "safe"DRT-W1178Don't specify the `late` modifier when it is not neededDRT-W1180Unnecessary null aware operator on extension on a nullable typeDRT-W1184Use a non-nullable type for a final variable initialized with a non-nullable valueDRT-W1186Don't override a method to do a super method invocation with the same parametersDRT-W1187Unnecessary parentheses can be removedDRT-W1188Unnecessary raw stringDRT-W1189Use `DecoratedBox`DRT-W1196Use enums rather than classes that behave like enumsDRT-W1197Prefer an 8-digit hexadecimal integer(0xFFFFFFFF) to instantiate ColorDRT-W1198Use predefined named constantsDRT-W1202Use raw string to avoid escapesDRT-W1203Use rethrow to rethrow a caught exceptionDRT-W1204Use string buffers to compose stringsDRT-W1206Use throwsA matcher instead of fail()DRT-W1208Start the name of the method with to/_to or as/_as if applicableDRT-W1209Don't assign to voidDRT-W1210Classes extending 'AbiSpecificInteger' must have exactly one const constructor, no other members, and no type parametersDRT-W1211Types can't be assigned a valueDRT-W1239Classes extending 'AbiSpecificInteger' must have exactly one 'AbiSpecificIntegerMapping' annotation specifying the mapping from ABI to a 'NativeType' integer with a fixed sizeDRT-W1212Classes extending 'AbiSpecificInteger' must have exactly one 'AbiSpecificIntegerMapping' annotation specifying the mapping from ABI to a 'NativeType' integer with a fixed sizeDRT-W1213Invalid mapping type in `AbiSpecificIntegerMapping` annotationDRT-W1214Abstract fields can't have initializersDRT-W1215A 'sealed' class can't be marked 'abstract' because it's already implicitly abstractDRT-W1216Multiple libraries export the same nameDRT-W1218Ambiguous member referenceDRT-W1219Functions can't be assigned a valueDRT-W1237Ambiguous importDRT-W1220The literal can't be either a map or a set because it contains at least one literal map entry or a spread operator spreading a 'Map', and at least one element which is neither of theseDRT-W1221This literal must be either a map or a set, but the elements don't have enough information for type inference to workDRT-W1222Fields in a struct class whose type is 'Pointer' shouldn't have any annotationsDRT-W1223Argument must be a constantDRT-W1224Unassignable argument typeDRT-W1225Methods can't be assigned a valueDRT-W1238Incompatible function signature for `Future.catchError` argumentDRT-W1226A redirecting constructor can't have an 'assert' initializerDRT-W1227Asset directory does not existDRT-W1228Asset does not existDRT-W1229The value of the 'asset' field is expected to be a list of relative file pathsDRT-W1230Assets are required to be file paths (strings)DRT-W1231Constant variables can't be assigned a valueDRT-W1233Invalid setter invocation for final fieldDRT-W1234Final variable cannot be reassignedDRT-W1235Missing setter for getterDRT-W1236The async for-in loop can only be used in an async functionDRT-W1240The 'await' expression can't be used in a 'late' local variable's initializerDRT-W1241Potential implicit return of `null` in method with non-nullable return typeDRT-W1242Invalid return type for `onError` handlerDRT-W1243Missing return statement for nullable return typeDRT-W1244A break label resolves to the 'case' or 'default' statementDRT-W1245Invalid use of built-in identifier for declaration nameDRT-W1247The last statement of the 'case' should be 'break', 'continue', 'rethrow', 'return', or 'throw'DRT-W1248Switch case expression type can't override the '==' operatorDRT-W1249The switch case expression type must be a subtype of the switch expression typeDRT-W1250Avoid const keywordDRT-W1175Use string in part of directivesDRT-W1207Nullable variable cast to non-nullable type without being assignedDRT-W1251This cast always throws an exception because the expression always evaluates to 'null'DRT-W1252Invalid type in 'as' expressionDRT-W1253Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as keys in a 'const' map literal. Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as values in a 'const' constructor. Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as values in a 'const' list literal. Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as values in a 'const' map literal. Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as values in a 'const' set literalDRT-W1255Cannot implement `Finalizable` for a subclass of `Struct` or `Union`DRT-W1256Missing method body in non-abstract classDRT-W1258Conflicting names for named constructor and static memberDRT-W1259Invalid use of built-in identifier as a typeDRT-W1246Conflicting generic interfacesDRT-W1260Type parameter has the same name as the class, mixin, or extension that declares itDRT-W1261Conflicting type variable and memberDRT-W1262Mismatch between constant pattern and value typeDRT-W1263The expression of a constant pattern must be a valid constantDRT-W1264Non-const field initialized in a const constructorDRT-W1266Constant constructor can't call a non-constant super constructorDRT-W1267Can't define a const constructor for a class with non-final fieldsDRT-W1268Deferred classes can't be created with 'const'DRT-W1269Const variables must be initialized with a constant valueDRT-W1270Constant values from a deferred library can't be used to initialize a 'const' variableDRT-W1271Only static fields can be declared as constDRT-W1272Key in a constant map can't override the `==` operator, or `hashCode`DRT-W1273Constant must be initializedDRT-W1274Invalid implementation of `==` or `hashCode` in a constant set elementDRT-W1275A list or a set is expected in this spreadDRT-W1276A map is expected in this spreadDRT-W1277The constructor being called isn't a const constructorDRT-W1278Arguments of a constant creation must be constant expressionsDRT-W1279A constant constructor tearoff can't use a type parameter as a type argument. A constant creation can't use a type parameter as a type argument. A constant function tearoff can't use a type parameter as a type argumentDRT-W1280<a id="continue_label_on_switch" aria-hidden="true"></a>_(Previously known as `continue_label_on_switch`) The label used in a 'continue' statement must be defined on either a loop or a switch memberDRT-W1281Subclasses of 'Struct' and 'Union' are backed by native memory, and can't be instantiated by a generative constructorDRT-W1282Invalid class name specified for instance creationDRT-W1283Dead codeDRT-W1284Dead code: Catch clauses after a 'catch (e)' or an 'on Object catch (e)' are never reachedDRT-W1285Unreachable `catch` clause after a more general oneDRT-W1286The left operand can't be null, so the right operand is never executedDRT-W1287The default 'List' constructor isn't available when null safety is enabledDRT-W1288Parameters in a function type can't have default valuesDRT-W1289Default values aren't allowed in factory constructors that redirect to another constructorDRT-W1290Required named parameters can't have a default valueDRT-W1291Imports of deferred libraries must hide all extensionsDRT-W1292Unassigned late local variable is definitely unassigned at this pointDRT-W1293Using a colon as the separator before a default value is deprecated and will not be supported in language version 3.0 and laterDRT-W1295Avoid importing deprecated names from librariesDRT-W1296Deprecated member used in a different packageDRT-W1298Using the 'new' keyword in a comment reference is deprecatedDRT-W1299Extending 'Function' is deprecated. Implementing 'Function' has no effect. Mixing in 'Function' is deprecatedDRT-W1300Only a generic type, generic function, generic instance method, or generic constructor can have type argumentsDRT-W1301Constructor already definedDRT-W1303Duplicate declaration of nameDRT-W1304Duplicate exportDRT-W1305Multiple initializing parameters for the same field in a constructorDRT-W1306Duplicate field name in record literal or type annotationDRT-W1307Duplicate hidden nameDRT-W1308Redundant ignore comment for diagnosticDRT-W1309Duplicate named arguments in method invocationDRT-W1311Duplicate assignment in pattern assignmentDRT-W1313Duplicate field or getter in pattern matchingDRT-W1314At most one rest element is allowed in a list or map patternDRT-W1315Duplicate shown nameDRT-W1316Duplicate variable declaration in logical-and patternDRT-W1317A map pattern must have at least one entryDRT-W1318A record literal without fields can't have a trailing commaDRT-W1319The list of named fields in a record type can't be emptyDRT-W1320A record type without fields can't have a trailing commaDRT-W1321Empty subclass of 'Struct' or 'Union' is not supportedDRT-W1322The name of the enum constant can't be the same as the enum's nameDRT-W1323The invoked constructor isn't a 'const' constructorDRT-W1324Mixins applied to enums can't have instance variablesDRT-W1325Enum members should not be abstractDRT-W1326The name 'values' is not a valid name for an enumDRT-W1327Two elements in a constant set literal can't be equalDRT-W1328Two elements in a set literal shouldn't be equalDRT-W1329Two keys in a constant map literal can't be equalDRT-W1330Classes can only extend other classesDRT-W1342Two keys in a map literal shouldn't be equalDRT-W1331Two keys in a map pattern can't be equalDRT-W1332List patterns can have at most one type argumentDRT-W1333List literals should have at most one type argumentDRT-W1334Set literals should have at most one type argumentDRT-W1335Expected two map pattern type argumentsDRT-W1336Invalid number of type arguments in map literalDRT-W1337Internal library can't be exportedDRT-W1338Incompatible null safety between exported librariesDRT-W1339Invalid export directive for a part fileDRT-W1340Expressions can't be used in a map literalDRT-W1341Extension can't be used as an expressionDRT-W1343Conflicting instance and static members in an extensionDRT-W1344Extensions can't declare abstract membersDRT-W1345Extensions can't declare constructorsDRT-W1346Extensions can't declare instance fieldsDRT-W1347Extensions can't declare members with the same name as a member declared by 'Object'DRT-W1348Extension override argument is not assignableDRT-W1350An extension override can only be used to access instance membersDRT-W1351Extension overrides have no value so they can't be used as the receiver of a cascade expressionDRT-W1352External fields can't have initializers. External variables can't have initializersDRT-W1353Fields in a struct class must have exactly one annotation indicating the native typeDRT-W1354Too many positional argumentsDRT-W1355Too many positional arguments for method with named parametersDRT-W1356'Array's must have exactly one 'Array' annotationDRT-W1357Duplicate field initialization in constructorDRT-W1358Fields can't be initialized in the constructor if they are final and were already initialized at their declarationDRT-W1359Fields can't be initialized in both the parameter list and the initializersDRT-W1360Initializing formal parameters can't be used in factory constructorsDRT-W1361Constructors in subclasses of 'Struct' and 'Union' can't have field initializersDRT-W1362Incompatible type in field initializationDRT-W1363Field formal parameters can only be used in a constructor. Initializing formal parameters can only be used in constructorsDRT-W1364The redirecting constructor can't have a field initializerDRT-W1365Incompatible types for field and initializing formal parameterDRT-W1366Fields in subclasses of 'Struct' and 'Union' can't have initializersDRT-W1367Duplicate initialization of final fieldDRT-W1369Final variable must be initializedDRT-W1370Functions marked 'async' must have a return type which is a supertype of 'Future'DRT-W1380The compile-time constant expression depends on itselfDRT-W1583Missing initialization for final instance fieldsDRT-W1371Invalid element type in for-in loopDRT-W1373Invalid type in for-in loopDRT-W1374A for-in loop variable can't be a 'const'DRT-W1375A method tear-off on a receiver whose type is 'dynamic' can't have type argumentsDRT-W1376Generic subclasses of 'Struct' or 'Union' are not allowedDRT-W1377Incompatible types for getter and setterDRT-W1378Functions marked 'async*' must have a return type that is a supertype of 'Stream<T>' for some type 'T'DRT-W1379Illegal concrete member in EnumDRT-W1381Functions marked 'sync*' must have a return type that is a supertype of 'Iterable<T>' for some type 'T'DRT-W1383Classes and mixins can only implement other classes and mixinsDRT-W1384Duplicate class in 'implements' clauseDRT-W1385Same class used in 'extends' and 'implements' or 'with' clausesDRT-W1386Implicitly invoked unnamed constructor has missing required parametersDRT-W1387Invalid reference to instance member in constructorDRT-W1388The imported library defines a top-level function named 'loadLibrary' that is hidden by deferring this libraryDRT-W1389Internal library can't be importedDRT-W1390Unsafe import of legacy library into a null safe libraryDRT-W1391Avoid importing part files directlyDRT-W1392Conflicting method signatures in inherited classesDRT-W1393Parts must have exactly the same language version override as the libraryDRT-W1394Inconsistent type or finality of pattern variable in logical-orDRT-W1395Non-existent field initialized in constructorDRT-W1396Static field initialized in constructorDRT-W1397Invalid initializing formal parameterDRT-W1398Invalid access of static member through instanceDRT-W1399Instance members can't be accessed from a factory constructorDRT-W1400Instance members can't be accessed from a static methodDRT-W1401Abstract classes can't be instantiatedDRT-W1402Enums can't be instantiatedDRT-W1403Type aliases that expand to a type parameter can't be instantiatedDRT-W1404Integer literal imprecise as a doubleDRT-W1405Annotation must be either a const variable reference or const constructor invocationDRT-W1407Constant values from a deferred library can't be used in annotationsDRT-W1408Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as annotationsDRT-W1409Invalid annotation targetDRT-W1410Incompatible types for variable assignmentDRT-W1411Unsupported package dependencyDRT-W1412The function 'main' can't have any required named parametersDRT-W1462Invalid second argument for `Pointer.fromFunction` or `NativeCallable.isolateLocal` with certain return typesDRT-W1413Invalid export of internal declarationDRT-W1414Invalid export of internal element indirectlyDRT-W1415Extension overrides must have exactly one argument: the value of 'this' in the extension methodDRT-W1416Factory method must have a return typeDRT-W1417Factory method doesn't return a newly allocated objectDRT-W1418The name of a factory constructor must be the same as the name of the immediately enclosing classDRT-W1419Prefer declaring const constructors on `@immutable` classesDRT-W1126Record field names can't be a dollar sign followed by an integer when the integer is the index of a positional field. Record field names can't be private. Record field names can't be the same as a member from 'Object'DRT-W1420Invalid field type in subclass of `Struct`DRT-W1421Invalid concrete implementation of abstract methodDRT-W1422Only public elements in a package's private API can be annotated as being internalDRT-W1424Invalid Dart language version override comment formatDRT-W1425Only const constructors can have the `@literal` annotationDRT-W1426Invalid constructor modifierDRT-W1427Setters can't use 'async', 'async*', or 'sync*'DRT-W1428The annotation '@nonVirtual' can only be applied to a concrete instance memberDRT-W1429Invalid usage of null-aware operators on non-nullable receiversDRT-W1430Invalid method overrideDRT-W1431Invalid throw expression typeDRT-W1643Invalid override of member with '@nonVirtual' annotationDRT-W1432Inconsistent variable declaration in switch statement casesDRT-W1433The 'platforms' field must be a map with platforms as keysDRT-W1434Generative enum constructors can only be used as targets of redirectionDRT-W1435Invalid reference to 'this' expressionDRT-W1436Incompatible return type in `Future.catchError` invocationDRT-W1437The annotation '@sealed' can only be applied to classesDRT-W1438Fields of type 'Array' must have exactly one 'Array' annotationDRT-W1482Super parameters can only be used in non-redirecting generative constructorsDRT-W1439Invalid type argument in constant list, map, or set literalDRT-W1440Invalid URI syntaxDRT-W1441Invalid use of `covariant` in extensionDRT-W1442Reference to internal declaration outside the packageDRT-W1443An expression whose value is always 'null' can't be dereferencedDRT-W1444Invalid usage of class or mixin declaration modifiersDRT-W1445Invalid use of visible for overriding memberDRT-W1446A negation operand must have a static type of 'bool'DRT-W1507Member annotated with `@visibleForTesting` used outside of testsDRT-W1447Invalid use of visibility annotation on non-public declarationDRT-W1448The annotation 'visibleForOverriding' can only be applied to a public instance member that can be overriddenDRT-W1449The annotation 'visibleOutsideTemplate' can only be applied to a member of a class, enum, or mixin that is annotated with 'visibleForTemplate'DRT-W1450Invocation of extension that doesn't define a `call` methodDRT-W1451Invocation of a non-functionDRT-W1452The expression doesn't evaluate to a function, so it can't be invokedDRT-W1453Invalid label reference in outer methodDRT-W1454Undefined labelDRT-W1455Can't have a late final field in a class with a generative const constructorDRT-W1456The late final local variable is already assignedDRT-W1457FFI leaf call can't return a 'Handle'DRT-W1458FFI leaf call can't take arguments of type 'Handle'DRT-W1459Incompatible types in list literalDRT-W1460The type of the first positional parameter of the 'main' function must be a supertype of 'List<String>'DRT-W1461Invalid operand type for logical operatorDRT-W1508The function 'main' can't have more than two required positional parametersDRT-W1463The declaration named 'main' must be a functionDRT-W1464Map entries can only be used in a map literalDRT-W1465Invalid key type in map literalDRT-W1466Incompatible value type in map literalDRT-W1467The annotation doesn't match the declared type of the fieldDRT-W1468Missing annotation for fields in subclasses of `Struct` or `Union`DRT-W1469Missing default value for non-nullable optional parameterDRT-W1471Missing dependency on imported packageDRT-W1472Missing case clause for enum valuesDRT-W1473Missing exceptional return value for method invocation in `dart:ffi`DRT-W1474Fields in struct classes must have an explicitly declared type of 'int', 'double' or 'Pointer'DRT-W1475The getter name is not specified explicitly, and the pattern is not a variableDRT-W1477Missing concrete implementation of a `@mustBeOverridden` memberDRT-W1478Missing required argumentDRT-W1479Missing required parameterDRT-W1480Implicit return at the end of function or methodDRT-W1481Use adjacent strings to concatenate string literalsDRT-W1120Missing variable pattern in one branch of logical-or patternDRT-W1483Mismatched method signature in mixin invocationDRT-W1484Invalid mixin applicationDRT-W1485Missing concrete implementation of super-invoked memberDRT-W1486Mixin class can only extend `Object`DRT-W1487Invalid use of class with constructor as a mixinDRT-W1488Mixin class extends a class other than `Object`DRT-W1489Mixins can't be instantiatedDRT-W1490Classes can only mix in mixins and classesDRT-W1491Mixin constraint is sealed and can't be usedDRT-W1492Use `isNotEmpty` for Iterables and MapsDRT-W1148Only classes and mixins can be used as superclass constraintsDRT-W1494Constructors can have only one 'this' redirection, at mostDRT-W1495A constructor can have at most one 'super' initializerDRT-W1496Invalid type argument for FFI invocationDRT-W1497Function type must be a subtype of the type argument in FFI invocationDRT-W1498Immutable class defines non-final instance fieldsDRT-W1499Missing invocation of overridden methodDRT-W1500Function passed to 'NativeCallable.listener' must return 'void'DRT-W1501The value of the 'name' field is required to be a stringDRT-W1502Undefined unnamed constructorDRT-W1503Missing concrete implementation of abstract member(s)DRT-W1504Conditions must have a static type of 'bool'DRT-W1505Annotation creation can only call a const constructorDRT-W1509Avoid library directives unless they have documentation comments or annotationsDRT-W1181Avoid null in null-aware assignmentDRT-W1183Case expressions must be constantDRT-W1510Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as a case expressionDRT-W1511The default value of an optional parameter must be constantDRT-W1512Constant values from a deferred library can't be used as a default parameter valueDRT-W1513Use generic function type syntax for parametersDRT-W1199The values in a const list literal must be constantsDRT-W1514The elements in a const map literal must be constantDRT-W1515The keys in a const map literal must be constantDRT-W1516Key expressions in map patterns must be constantsDRT-W1517The values in a const map literal must be constantDRT-W1518The relational pattern expression must be a constantDRT-W1519The values in a const set literal must be constantsDRT-W1520Invalid use of type parameter as a type argumentDRT-W1521Inherited member is always abstract in the supertypeDRT-W1217Missing `const` keyword when invoking a constructor with `@literal` annotationDRT-W1522Generative enum constructors must be 'const'DRT-W1523Spread elements in map literals must implement 'Map'DRT-W1544Non-exhaustive switch expression over an exhaustive typeDRT-W1524Non-exhaustive switch statement over an exhaustive typeDRT-W1525Non generative constructor in initializer listDRT-W1527Implicit generative constructor in subclass cannot invoke explicit unnamed factory constructor in superclassDRT-W1528Invalid C function signature for 'asFunction' invocationDRT-W1529Array dimensions must be positive numbersDRT-W1530Invalid type argument for class `Array`DRT-W1531Factory bodies can't use 'async', 'async*', or 'sync*'DRT-W1532Invalid use of non-type identifier as type argumentDRT-W1533The return type of the operator []= must be 'void'DRT-W1535The return type of the setter must be 'void' or absentDRT-W1536Non-nullable local variable must be assigned before useDRT-W1537Invalid use of unary operator as a binary operatorDRT-W1539Uninitialized non-nullable instance fieldDRT-W1541Non-nullable variables must be initializedDRT-W1542Spread elements in list or set literals must implement 'Iterable'DRT-W1543Cannot infer missing types from overridden methodsDRT-W1546Invalid superclass for class with generative constructorsDRT-W1547A potentially nullable type can't be used in an 'on' clause because it isn't valid to throw a nullable expressionDRT-W1548A class can't extend a nullable typeDRT-W1549A class or mixin can't implement a nullable typeDRT-W1550A mixin can't have a nullable type as a superclass constraintDRT-W1551Invalid null argument for non-nullable type argumentDRT-W1553Keys in the `platforms` field can't have valuesDRT-W1571This null-check will always throw an exception because the expression will always evaluate to 'null'DRT-W1554Using a colon as the separator before a default value is no longer supportedDRT-W1555Duplicate superclass constraint in mixinDRT-W1556Optional parameters aren't allowed when defining an operatorDRT-W1557The field doesn't override an inherited getter or setter. The getter doesn't override an inherited getter. The method doesn't override an inherited method. The setter doesn't override an inherited setterDRT-W1558Structs must have at most one 'Packed' annotationDRT-W1559Only packing to 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 bytes is supportedDRT-W1560Avoid including a file from a different library as a part of itselfDRT-W1561Missing part-of directive in included fileDRT-W1562Invalid 'part of' directive in unnamed libraryDRT-W1563Dependency path does not existDRT-W1564Dependencies defined must be a mapDRT-W1294Dependency path isn't a POSIX-style pathDRT-W1565Missing 'pubspec.yaml' file in directoryDRT-W1566Only local variables can be assigned in pattern assignmentsDRT-W1567Constant values from a deferred library can't be used in patternsDRT-W1568Mismatched value type in pattern assignment or declarationDRT-W1569Pattern variables can't be assigned inside the guard of the enclosing guarded patternDRT-W1570Positional super parameters can't be used when the super constructor invocation has a positional argumentDRT-W1573Name conflict between import prefix and top-level declarationDRT-W1574Import prefix must be followed by `.`DRT-W1575Prefix shadowed by a local declarationDRT-W1576Conflicting private member names in mixinsDRT-W1577Private setter used in a libraryDRT-W1579Duplicate importDRT-W1310A record literal with exactly one positional field requires a trailing commaDRT-W1581A record type with exactly one positional field requires a trailing commaDRT-W1582Constructors can't redirect to themselves either directly or indirectlyDRT-W1584Circular type hierarchyDRT-W1585Redirected constructor is undefinedDRT-W1586Generative constructors can't redirect to a factory constructorDRT-W1587Fields of 'Struct' and 'Union' subclasses must be marked externalDRT-W1368Invalid declaration of 'values' in a class that implements 'Enum'DRT-W1382Non-type in catch clauseDRT-W1534A class or mixin can't mix in a nullable typeDRT-W1552Object patterns can only use named fieldsDRT-W1572Final variable can't be read because it's potentially unassigned at this pointDRT-W1580The prefix of a deferred import can't be used in other import directivesDRT-W1620Undefined name in type test expressionDRT-W1652Undefined enum constantDRT-W1657Unnecessary '?' for nullable typesDRT-W1686Relational pattern operand type not assignable to operator parameter typeDRT-W1597The redirecting constructor can't have a 'super' initializerDRT-W1637Invalid name in hide combinator for imported libraryDRT-W1665Redirect to abstract class constructorDRT-W1588Incompatible parameters in redirected constructorsDRT-W1589Invalid return type in factory constructor redirectionDRT-W1590Redirect to missing constructorDRT-W1591Invalid redirect in a redirected constructorDRT-W1592A constant redirecting constructor can't redirect to a non-constant constructorDRT-W1593A redirecting constructor can't redirect to a type alias that expands to a type parameterDRT-W1594Variable referenced before declarationDRT-W1595Refutable patterns can't be used in an irrefutable contextDRT-W1596The return type of operators used in relational patterns must be assignable to 'bool'DRT-W1598A map pattern can't contain a rest patternDRT-W1599A rethrow must be inside of a catch clauseDRT-W1600Constructors can't return valuesDRT-W1601Can't return a value from a generator function that uses the 'async*' or 'sync*' modifierDRT-W1602Invalid return of value annotated with `doNotStore`DRT-W1603Return value type mismatchDRT-W1604The return value is missing after 'return'DRT-W1606Missing import for 'Future' and 'Stream' classes in lower version SDKsDRT-W1607The use of an as expression in a constant expression wasn't supported until version 2.3.2, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versionsDRT-W1608Invalid use of boolean operators in constant contextDRT-W1609Tearing off a constructor requires the 'constructor-tearoffs' language featureDRT-W1610Using the operator '==' for non-primitive types wasn't supported until version 2.3.2, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versionsDRT-W1611Extension methods weren't supported until version 2.6.0, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versionsDRT-W1612The operator '>>>' wasn't supported until version 2.14.0, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versionsDRT-W1613The use of an is expression in a constant context wasn't supported until version 2.3.2, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versionsDRT-W1614The type 'Never' wasn't supported until version 2.12.0, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versionsDRT-W1615Set literals weren't supported until version 2.2, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versionsDRT-W1616The for, if, and spread elements weren't supported until version 2.3.0, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versionsDRT-W1617The if and spread elements weren't supported in constant expressions until version 2.5.0, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versionsDRT-W1618Element can't be assigned to the setDRT-W1619'Array's must have an 'Array' annotation that matches the dimensionsDRT-W1621Invalid use of static access to instance memberDRT-W1622Subtype of `base` or `final` is not `base`, `final` or `sealed`DRT-W1623Classes and mixins can't implement deferred classes. Classes can't extend deferred classes. Classes can't mixin deferred classesDRT-W1624Cannot extend or implement FFI classes other than 'Struct' or 'Union'DRT-W1626Avoid extending, mixing in, or implementing sealed class outside of the same packageDRT-W1627A type alias that expands to a type parameter can't be implemented. A type alias that expands to a type parameter can't be mixed in. A type alias that expands to a type parameter can't be used as a superclass constraint. A type alias that expands to a type parameter can't be used as a superclassDRT-W1629Mismatched parameter type in super constructorDRT-W1630No associated named super constructor parameterDRT-W1631Undefined or inaccessible methodDRT-W1668No associated positional super constructor parameterDRT-W1632Super invocation not at the end of initializer listDRT-W1633The enum constructor can't have a 'super' initializerDRT-W1634The 'super' keyword can't be used in an extension because an extension doesn't have a superclassDRT-W1635Invalid context for 'super' invocationDRT-W1636The 'case' shouldn't complete normallyDRT-W1638Incompatible types in switch statementDRT-W1639A generative constructor of an abstract class can't be torn offDRT-W1640Text direction Unicode code points in literalDRT-W1642Self-referencing variables with no type annotationDRT-W1644Typedefs can't reference themselves directly or recursively via another typedefDRT-W1645Deferred type can't be used in a declaration, cast, or type testDRT-W1646Type argument not matching boundsDRT-W1647Tests for non-null should be done with '!= null'. Tests for null should be done with '== null'DRT-W1648Static members can't reference type parameters of the classDRT-W1649Type parameter bound is redundantDRT-W1650Non-type used in an 'is' expressionDRT-W1651Nullable expression used without null checkDRT-W1653Undefined annotationDRT-W1654Class is undefinedDRT-W1655Missing or invalid superclass constructor invocationDRT-W1656Enum doesn't have an unnamed constructorDRT-W1658Undefined getter for extensionDRT-W1659Unnecessary dev dependencyDRT-W1678Undefined method for extensionDRT-W1660Undefined operator for extensionDRT-W1661Undefined setter in extensionDRT-W1662Undefined functionDRT-W1663Undefined or invisible getterDRT-W1664Undefined identifierDRT-W1666Undefined name 'await' in function body not marked with 'async'DRT-W1667Unused local variableDRT-W1698Undefined named parameter in method or function invocationDRT-W1669Undefined operatorDRT-W1670Identifier not defined the imported libraryDRT-W1671Undefined parameter name in `UseResult.unless` annotationDRT-W1672Undefined setterDRT-W1673Invalid name in show combinator for imported libraryDRT-W1674Undefined super memberDRT-W1675Unrecognized platform name in `pubspec.yaml`DRT-W1676Unnecessary castDRT-W1677Invalid number of parameters in operator declarationDRT-W1709Unnecessary importDRT-W1679A double can't equal 'double.nan', so the condition is always 'false'. A double can't equal 'double.nan', so the condition is always 'true'DRT-W1680The '!' will have no effect because the receiver can't be nullDRT-W1681Unnecessary 'noSuchMethod' declarationDRT-W1682The null-assert pattern will have no effect because the matched type isn't nullableDRT-W1683The operand can't be null, so the condition is always 'false'. The operand can't be null, so the condition is always 'true'DRT-W1685Braces unnecessarily wrap this expression in a set literalDRT-W1687Unnecessary type check; the result is always 'false'. Unnecessary type check; the result is always 'true'DRT-W1688Static members from supertypes must be qualified by the name of the defining typeDRT-W1689Static members from the extended type or one of its superclasses must be qualified by the name of the defining typeDRT-W1690This case is covered by the previous casesDRT-W1691Unused exception variable in catch clauseDRT-W1692Unused stack trace parameter in catch blockDRT-W1693Unused private declarationDRT-W1694Unused private fieldDRT-W1695Remove unused importDRT-W1696Unused labelDRT-W1697Unused result of `useResult` annotated functionDRT-W1699Unused name in show combinatorDRT-W1700Invalid file referenceDRT-W1701Target URI hasn't been generatedDRT-W1702URIs can't use string interpolationDRT-W1703Dart native extensions are deprecated and aren't available in Dart 2.15DRT-W1704This expression has a type of 'void' so its value can't be usedDRT-W1705A member named 'values' can't be declared in an enumDRT-W1706Variable patterns in declaration context can't specify 'var' or 'final' keywordDRT-W1707Invalid type assignment in constant expressionDRT-W1708Setters must declare exactly one required positional parameterDRT-W1710Wrong number of type parameters and type argumentsDRT-W1711Invalid placement of type arguments in named constructorDRT-W1712Wrong number of type arguments provided for enum constantDRT-W1713Wrong number of type parameters and type arguments in extensionDRT-W1714Wrong number of type parameters and type arguments in methodDRT-W1715Mismatch between yielded value type and return typeDRT-W1717Incompatible return type for closureDRT-W1605Restricted classes used in inheritance and implementation clausesDRT-W1625Invalid transitive inheritance of `Struct`, `Union` or `AbiSpecificInteger` classDRT-W1628Text direction Unicode code points in commentDRT-W1641The null-check pattern will have no effect because the matched type isn't nullableDRT-W1684Yield statements must be in a generator function (one marked with either 'async*' or 'sync*'). Yield-each statements must be in a generator function (one marked with either 'async*' or 'sync*')DRT-W1716
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Use `;` instead of `{}` for empty constructor bodiesDRT-W1089

Major severityMajor
Anti-pattern categoryAnti-pattern

From Effective Dart:

DO use ; instead of {} for empty constructor bodies.

In Dart, a constructor with an empty body can be terminated with just a semicolon. This is required for const constructors. For consistency and brevity, other constructors should also do this.


class Point {
  int x, y;
  Point(this.x, this.y) {}


class Point {
  int x, y;
  Point(this.x, this.y);