Unencrypted storage bucket foundTF-GCP002Legacy `ABAC` permissions are enabledTF-GCP005Potentially sensitive data stored in block attributeTF-GEN003Invalid AWS S3 bucket regionTF-L0052Invalid AWS DB instance typeTF-L0006Ensure all Cloud SQL database instance requires all incoming connections to use SSLTF-S2006Ensure that Cloud SQL database instances are not open to the worldTF-S2011Azure instance is using basic authenticationTF-S1001Azure AKS is not using RBACTF-S1005Ensure no HTTPS or SSL proxy load balancers permit SSL policies with weak cipher suitesTF-S2004Kubernetes Engine Cluster authentication missing client certificateTF-S2013Kubernetes Engine Cluster missing Network PolicyTF-S2012Ensure Google compute firewall ingress does not allow unrestricted ssh accessTF-S2002Ensure Google compute firewall ingress does not allow unrestricted RDP accessTF-S2003Ensure Legacy Authorization is set to Disabled on Kubernetes Engine ClustersTF-S2007Exposed BigQuery datasetsTF-S2015Found usage of RSASHA1 for the zone-signing and key-signing keys in Cloud DNS DNSSECTF-S2017Detected password authentication instead of `SSH` keysTF-AZU005Unencrypted data lake store foundTF-AZU004Potentially sensitive data stored in `default` value of variableTF-GEN001Potentially sensitive data stored in local valueTF-GEN002Deprecated interpolationTF-L0037Use of default AWS DB parameter groupTF-L0034Use of an old generation AWS elasticache cluster node typeTF-L0035Use of default AWS elasticache parameter groupTF-L0036Legacy dot index syntaxTF-L0038Unused declarationTF-L0039Missing routing target in `aws_route` resourceTF-L0030Use of previous generation AWS instance typeTF-L0032Cloud DNS has DNSSEC disabledTF-S2016Ensure 'Automatic node repair' is enabled for Kubernetes ClustersTF-S2009AKS API server does not define authorized IP rangesTF-S1006Unencrypted Azure managed disk foundTF-S1002`supportsHttpsTrafficOnly` is not set to `true`TF-S1003AKS logging is not configured with Azure MonitoringTF-S1004Cloud SQL database found with backup configuration disabledTF-S2014An inbound firewall rule allows traffic from `/0`TF-GCP003Invalid AWS MQ broker engine typeTF-L0050Load balancer is exposed to the internetTF-AWS005An outdated SSL policy is in use by a load balancerTF-AWS010A resource is marked as publicly accessibleTF-AWS011Unencrypted SQS queueTF-AWS015Use of plain `HTTP`TF-AWS004Unencrypted managed disk detectedTF-AZU003AWS instance with invalid AMI IDTF-L0015AWS launch configuration with invalid AMI IDTF-L0021Invalid `excess_capacity_termination_policy`TF-L0053Unrestricted RDP accessTF-S1009Invalid AWS Load Banancer subnet IDTF-L0002Invalid AWS DB subnet group nameTF-L0003Invalid ACL value for AWS S3 bucketTF-L0051Module doesn't comply with Terraform Standard Module StructureTF-L0048Invalid AWS Application Load Balancer security groupTF-L0001Invalid `ParameterGroupName` for AWS DB instanceTF-L0005Route definition has multiple routing targetsTF-L0031Unrestricted access to Kubernetes dashboardTF-S1008Unrestricted SSH accessTF-S1010SQL Databases allows ingress from ``TF-S1011Unprotected AKS cluster detectedTF-S1007Standard pricing tier is not selectedTF-S1019App Service Authentication is not enabled on Azure App ServiceTF-S1013Register with Azure Active Directory is not enabled on Azure App ServiceTF-S1016Security contact phone number not setTF-S1020Send email notification for high severity alerts is disabledTF-S1021Incoming client certificates are disabledTF-S1017HTTP version being used is outdatedTF-S1018Web application does not redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS in Azure App ServiceTF-S1014Web application is not using TLS 1.2 on Azure App ServiceTF-S1015Send email notification for high severity alerts to administrator is disabledTF-S1022'Auditing' is not 'Enabled' for SQL serversTF-S1023An ingress security group rule allows traffic from `/0`TF-AWS006An egress security group rule allows traffic to `/0`TF-AWS007An inline ingress security group rule allows traffic from `/0`TF-AWS008An inline egress security group rule allows traffic to `/0`TF-AWS009Task definition defines sensitive environment variable(s)TF-AWS013Launch configuration with unencrypted block deviceTF-AWS014Unencrypted SNS topicTF-AWS016Unencrypted S3 bucketTF-AWS017Missing description for security group/security group ruleTF-AWS018An inbound network security rule allows traffic from `/0`TF-AZU001S3 Bucket does not have logging enabledTF-AWS002AWS Classic resource usageTF-AWS003Unencrypted compute disk foundTF-GCP001An outbound firewall rule allows traffic to `/0`TF-GCP004An outbound network security rule allows traffic from /0TF-AZU002S3 Bucket has an ACL defined which allows public accessTF-AWS001Elasticsearch domain endpoint is using outdated TLS policyTF-AWS034EKS should have the encryption of secrets enabledTF-AWS066S3 Access block should block public ACLTF-AWS074AWS IAM policy document has wildcard action statementTF-AWS046A resource has a public IP addressTF-AWS012A KMS key is not configured to auto-rotateTF-AWS019ECR repository has image scans disabledTF-AWS023API Gateway domain name uses outdated SSL/TLS protocolsTF-AWS025Elasticsearch domain isn't encrypted at restTF-AWS031Elasticsearch doesn't enforce HTTPS trafficTF-AWS033Unencrypted Elasticache Replication GroupTF-AWS035IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one lowercase characterTF-AWS042AWS SQS policy document has wildcard action statementTF-AWS047RDS encryption has not been enabled at a database Instance levelTF-AWS052Encryption for RDS Performance Insights should be enabledTF-AWS053ElasticSearch nodes should communicate with node to node encryption enabledTF-AWS055Ensure that lambda function permission has a source arn specifiedTF-AWS058API Gateway stages for V1 and V2 should have access logging enabledTF-AWS061User data for EC2 instances must not contain sensitive AWS keysTF-AWS062CloudTrail should be encrypted at rest to secure access to sensitive trail dataTF-AWS065`aws_instance` resource should activate session tokens for Instance Metadata ServiceTF-AWS079EKS Clusters should have cluster control plane logging turned onTF-AWS067Viewer Protocol Policy in CloudFront Distribution Cache should always be set to HTTPSTF-AWS072S3 Access block should block public policyTF-AWS076CodeBuild Project artifacts encryption should not be disabledTF-AWS080Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator Cluster should always encrypt data at restTF-AWS081Use of previous generation AWS database instanceTF-L0033Detected a git or mercurial repository as a module source without pinning to a versionTF-L0044Audit: `terraform.workspace` used with a `remote` backend with remote executionTF-L0049There is no encryption specified or encryption is disabled on the RDS ClusterTF-AWS051Athena databases and workgroup configurations are created unencrypted at rest by default, they should be encryptedTF-AWS059IAM Password policy should prevent password reuseTF-AWS037IAM Password policy should have expiry less than or equal to 90 daysTF-AWS038IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one symbol in the passwordTF-AWS040IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one number in the passwordTF-AWS041An ingress Network ACL rule allows specific ports from `/0`TF-AWS049ElasticSearch domains should enforce HTTPSTF-AWS054Domain logging should be enabled for ElasticSearch domainsTF-AWS057Athena workgroups should enforce configuration to prevent client disabling encryptionTF-AWS060CloudTrail should be enabled in all regions, regardless of where your AWS resources are generally locatedTF-AWS063EKS Clusters should have the public access disabledTF-AWS069AWS ElasticSearch Domain should have logging enabledTF-AWS070CloudFront distribution should have Access Logging configuredTF-AWS071S3 Access Block should Ignore Public ACLTF-AWS073S3 Access block should restrict public bucket to limit accessTF-AWS075S3 Data should be versionedTF-AWS077ECR images tags shouldn't be mutableTF-AWS078Invalid AWS DB `OptionGroupName`TF-L0004Invalid AWS VPC Security GroupTF-L0007`terraform` declarations without `require_version`TF-L0046Provider doesn't have version constraintTF-L0047CloudFront distribution allows unencrypted (HTTP) communicationsTF-AWS020CloudFront distribution uses outdated SSL/TLS protocolsTF-AWS021A MSK cluster allows unencrypted data in transitTF-AWS022Ensure Stackdriver Logging is set to Enabled on Kubernetes Engine ClustersTF-S2001Ensure 'Automatic node upgrade' is enabled for Kubernetes ClustersTF-S2010Kinesis stream is unencryptedTF-AWS024CloudFront distribution does not have a WAF in frontTF-AWS045EFS Encryption has not been enabledTF-AWS048CloudTrail log validation should be enabled to prevent tampering of log dataTF-AWS064EKS cluster should not have open CIDR range for public accessTF-AWS068Ensure Stackdriver Monitoring is set to Enabled on Kubernetes Engine ClustersTF-S2008Elasticsearch domain uses plaintext traffic for node to node communicationTF-AWS032AWS provider has access credentials specifiedTF-AWS044Elasticache Replication Group uses unencrypted trafficTF-AWS036IAM Password policy should have minimum password length of 14 or more charactersTF-AWS039IAM Password policy should have requirement for at least one uppercase characterTF-AWS043An ingress Network ACL rule allows ALL ports from `/0`TF-AWS050Master authorized networks are not enabled in GKE clustersTF-S2019GCP Kubernetes engine clusters have basic authentication enabledTF-S2018Consider using `#` for commentsTF-L0040Output declaration without descriptionTF-L0041`variable` declaration without descriptionTF-L0042`variable` declaration without typeTF-L0043
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Sample Configuration
version = 1

name = "terraform"
Explore the docs for all configuration options.