Prefer using `kebab-case` for custom event namesJS-0605
Prefer kebab-case when naming events in Vue templates. Other cases can become less readable in the resulting markup.
HTML is case insensitive, so the v-on
listeners will be converted to lowercase in the DOM.
An event named 'myEvent'
would then become 'myevent'
, hurting readability.
Event names are never used as variable or property names in JavaScript, so there’s no reason to use camelCase or PascalCase.
What is kebab-case
Kebab case or kebab-case is a variable naming convention where a developer replaces the spaces between words with a dash.
Two or more words are often required to properly convey a resource's meaning.
However, most programming languages don't allow spaces between words.
The kebab case naming convention attempts to overcome this limitation by replacing spaces between words with a dash.
Bad Practice
<button @click="$emit('myEvent')" />
<button @click="$emit('my-event')" />