Found no `super()` in constructorJS-0226Found reassigning class membersJS-0228Detected usage of the `any` typeJS-0323Avoid specifying `children` when using `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`JS-0439Debugger activation detectedJS-0005Found the usage of undeclared variablesJS-0125Avoid insecure HTTP header configuration for nosniffing headerJS-S1001Avoid insecure HTTP strict transport securityJS-S1002Avoid insecure dns prefetch control configuration for helmetJS-S1003Found potentially unsafe deserializationJS-S1000Usage of an insecure TLS protocol versionJS-S1009Vulnerable VM code executionJS-S0011JSON Web Token (JWT) not signed with a cipher algorithmJS-S1008Potential shell argument injection vulnerabilityJS-S0010Insecure web security preferences found in ElectronJS-S1015Certificate validation is disabled in TLS connectionJS-S1017Insecure express middleware pathJS-S1018Insecure node integration preferences found in ElectronJS-S1019Audit: Regex range is too permissiveJS-A1002Audit: insecure assignment to `innerHTML` propertyJS-S1012Audit: Unsanitized external input passed to a templating engine is prone to vulnerabilitiesJS-A1005Detected Unsafe referrer policyJS-S1011Audit: Avoid exposing server-side errors to clientJS-A1006`ajv` configuration is vulnerable to DoS attacksJS-S1013Array index possibly out of boundsJS-S1016Audit: Unsanitized external input used with Electron's shell module is prone to vulnerabilitiesJS-A1007Missing target origin in cross-origin communicationJS-S1014Audit: Found insecure randomness in initialization of sensitive dataJS-A1000Audit: Storing or accessing files from a publicly accessible directory is vulnerable to information disclosureJS-A1001Audit: Unsanitized user input supplied to `cat` command is prone to command injectionJS-A1003Audit: Unsanitized user input passed to server logsJS-A1004Found code vulnerable to shell command injectionJS-S1010Found hardcoded credentials in source codeJS-S1021Strict Contextual Escaping (SCE) is disabled in AngularJSJS-S1022Audit: Query is potentially vulnerable to SQL injectionJS-A1009Audit: cookie in HTTP response is vulnerable to session-fixationJS-A1008Context isolation is disabled in ElectronJS-S1020Detected insecure whitelisting of URLs in AngularJSJS-S1023Found control characters in regular expressionsJS-0004Invalid regular expression strings present in RegExp constructorsJS-0017Found reassigning const variablesJS-0230Avoid direct mutation of `this.state`JS-0444Found duplicate arguments in function definitionsJS-0006Avoid using promises in places not designed to handle themJS-0336Found unreachable codeJS-0025Avoid `target='_blank'` attribute without `rel='noopener noreferrer'`JS-0422`function` or var declarations in nested blocks is not preferredJS-0016Detected the assignment to exportsJS-0256Found undeclared variables in JSXJS-0423Detected unsupported Node.js built-in APIs on the specified versionJS-0269Found confusing multiline expressionsJS-0024Suggest correct usage of shebangJS-0271Prefer ES5 or ES6 class for returning value in render functionJS-0467Reassigning function declarationsJS-0015Global object properties should not be called as functionsJS-0020Found `for-in` loop iterating over an arrayJS-0329Avoid using control flow statements in `finally` blocksJS-0026Detected the use of an `eval()`-like methodJS-0330Found non-null assertionsJS-0339Found constant expressions in conditionsJS-0003Found duplicate keys in object literalsJS-0007Found empty character classes in regular expressionsJS-0010Left operand of relational operators should not have negationJS-0019Avoid using sparse arrays unless necessaryJS-0023Use `isNaN()` to check for `NaN`JS-0027`typeof` expressions should be compared against valid stringsJS-0028`For` loop update clause should move the counter in the correct directionJS-0029Prefer not using an async function as a Promise executorJS-0031Found usage of comparison with negative-zero(`-0`)JS-0033Duplicate conditions in `if-else-if` chainsJS-0034Unsupported ECMAScript syntaxJS-0268Assignment to imported bindingsJS-0035Found empty destructuring patternsJS-0058Found duplicate class membersJS-0231Found new operators with the `Symbol` objectJS-0233Found `this`/`super` before calling `super()` in constructorsJS-0235Invalid `async`/`await` callJS-0294Use of a banned type detectedJS-0296Found `// @ts-<directive>` commentsJS-0295Unnecessary type assertion of an expressionJS-0349Prefer usage of `as const` over literal typeJS-0360Prefer that unbound methods are called with their expected scopeJS-0387Found assignment of exceptions in catch clausesJS-0011`Object.prototype` builtins should not be used directlyJS-0021Found characters which are made with multiple code points in character class syntaxJS-0036Detected import declarations which import extraneous modulesJS-0257Found explicit type declarationsJS-0331Missing key for the propertyJS-0414Avoid usage of deprecated React methodsJS-0441Avoid usage of `findDOMNode`JS-0445Avoid usage of deprecated method `isMounted`JS-0446Found invalid characters in markupJS-0454Detected bin files that npm ignoresJS-0264Detected unsupported ECMAScript built-ins on the specified versionJS-0267Make process.exit() expressions the same code path as throwJS-0270Should not have unused variablesJS-0128Missing `return` statementJS-0030Detected require() expressions which import extraneous modulesJS-0258Detected deprecated APIsJS-0272Duplicate case labels found in switch caseJS-0008Returning values from settersJS-0037Fallthrough of `case` statements foundJS-0064`delete` operator should not be used on variablesJS-0120Found `require()` expressions which import non-existent modulesJS-0260Detected aliasing thisJS-0342Detected the use of require statements except in import statementsJS-0359Duplicate JSX properties detectedJS-0419Marked Flow type identifiers as definedJS-0479Found invalid file annotationJS-0501Detected using a non-null assertion after an optional chain expressionJS-0338Avoid weak typesJS-0491Invalid lifecycle method in classJS-0571Avoid `target='_blank'` attribute without `rel='noopener noreferrer'`JS-0712Found assignment operators in conditional expressionsJS-0001Elements cannot use an invalid ARIA attributeJS-0741Bad usage of `RegExp#exec` and `String#match`JS-D007Invalid lifecycle parameter nameJS-D012Misconfigured CORS in expressJS-D002Unused return value from `Array`/`Object` prototype methodJS-D008Audit: Forwarding IP while setting proxies in the HTTP serverJS-D018Disallows use of posix in regexJS-D014Found bad matching patternJS-D006Found weak hashing functionsJS-D003Audit: Insecure cookieJS-D015Unsafe permissions set on a fileJS-D017Audit: Insecure clear text protocolJS-D019Audit: Allowing dotfiles during static file serving can be sensitiveJS-D020XML parsing may be vulnerable to XXE attacksJS-D022Detected the violation of rules of hooksJS-0820Avoid importing of test support files into non-test codeJS-W1000Consider using `passhref` attribute with `Link` componentJS-W1020Found non-existent assignment operatorsJS-W1033Found usage of href with NuxtLink componentJS-W1034Found complex boolean returnJS-W1041Found flawed string comparisonJS-W1040Found confusing labels inside switchJS-W1036Found error handling middleware in productionJS-S1024Found useless assertions in testJS-W1039Found unhandled promiseJS-0328Syntax errorJS-0833Invalid custom TypeScript modules declarationJS-0364Prevent usage of wrong DOM propertyJS-0455Found redeclared variablesJS-0085Unnecessary non-null assertionJS-0324Use ES6 class for React ComponentsJS-0460Found empty block statementsJS-0009Detected the declaration of empty interfacesJS-0322Found multiple spaces in RegexJS-0022Avoid use of `==` and `!=`JS-0050`with` statements foundJS-0100Found Yoda conditionsJS-0104Prevent shadowing of restricted global objects and identifiersJS-0124Consider grouping overloaded members togetherJS-0292Possible insertion of comments as text nodesJS-0418Detected the use of custom TypeScript modules and namespacesJS-0337Unused labels foundJS-0094Use `RegExp#exec` instead of `String#match`JS-0370Found template literal expression having a non-string typeJS-0378Operands must both be `number`s or `string`s in addition expressionsJS-0377Found unnecessary boolean castsJS-0012Avoid using the return value of `ReactDOM.render`JS-0449React must be present in scope when using JSXJS-0464Avoid passing children as propsJS-0438Prevent using string referencesJS-0451Require generator functions to contain yieldJS-0247IIFEs should be wrappedJS-0103Avoid square-bracket notation when accessing propertiesJS-0049Invalid definition of `new` and `constructor`JS-0335Bad usage of triple slash directivesJS-0384Found octal literalsJS-0081`render` function should return valueJS-0622Use `// @ts-expect-error` over `// @ts-ignore`JS-0372Avoid using lexical declarations in case clausesJS-0054Avoid `mixed` type annotationsJS-0486Prefer type annotations in all function parametersJS-0497Avoid having types in files where annotation is missingJS-0489Prefer using return type annotations for functionsJS-0499Prefer explicit role property in HTML tagsJS-0764Element with aria-activedescendant must be tabbableJS-0740Invalid ARIA state and/or property valuesJS-0742Elements with ARIA roles must use a valid, non-abstract ARIA roleJS-0743Non-visible DOM elements should not contain the `role` and/or `aria-*` propsJS-0744The autocomplete should be correctJS-0745Prefer to accompany `onClick` with some elementsJS-0746Prefer to have content in heading elementsJS-0747Prefer to have lang prop in elementsJS-0748Prefer to have a unique title in `<iframe>`JS-0749Prefer not to use words image, photo in image alt contentJS-0750Interactive elements should be focusableJS-0751Missing `<track>` in`<audio>` / `<video>` elementJS-0754Consider using `onFocus/onBlur` with `onMouseOver/onMouseOut` eventJS-0755Prefer that no distracting elements are usedJS-0758Non-interactive elements assigned mouse/keyboard event listenersJS-0760`tabIndex` declared on a non-interactive elementJS-0762Prefer that non-interactive, visible elements (such as <div>) that have click handlers use the role attributeJS-0765Elements with ARIA roles must have all required attributes for that roleJS-0766Prefer that elements with explicit or implicit roles defined contain only aria-* properties supported by that roleJS-0767Prefer `tabIndex` value is not greater than zeroJS-0769Prefer meaningful alternative textJS-0737Prefer that `autoFocus` prop is not used on elementsJS-0757`label` tags should have a text label and an associated controlJS-0752`accessKey` property usedJS-0756Interactive elements should not be assigned non-interactive rolesJS-0759Non-interactive elements should not be assigned interactive rolesJS-0761Prefer `readonly` React propsJS-0498Prefer that anchors have content and the content is accessible to screen readersJS-0738Use valid anchorsJS-0739The `scope` scope should be used only on `<th>` elementsJS-0768Prefer a consistent naming pattern for type aliasesJS-0509Invalid suffix in `@Directive`JS-0598Invalid naming of directive outputsJS-0574Missing Banana-in-a-box template syntaxJS-0577Missing `PipeTransform` interfaceJS-0595`@Input` is renamedJS-0585Missing `sandbox` in iframeJS-D010Invalid async pipeJS-0578Invalid `.charAt` comparisonJS-D013Detected calls to `buffer` with `noAssert` flag setJS-0822Found duplicate assignmentsJS-W1032Found unused objectsJS-R1002Call to Function objectJS-R1003Logical operator can be refactored to optional chainJS-W1044Found redundant literal in a logical expressionJS-W1043Found trailing undefined in function callJS-W1042Found redundant return statementJS-W1045Found control characters in regular expressionJS-W1035Found control characters in regular expressionJS-W1037Useless template literal foundJS-R1004Too many arguments passed to function callJS-W1038Found usage of deprecated `javascript:` URLsJS-0421Invalid variable usageJS-0043Accessed object properties are restrictedJS-0110Avoid using `this.state` inside `this.setState()`JS-0435Deprecation of number (keycode) modifiersJS-0656Found deprecated `*` existential typeJS-0484Avoid having unused expressionsJS-0490Unsafe content security policyJS-D024Found `key` attribute on `<template v-for>`JS-V001Invalid lifecycle hooksJS-V006Found empty lifecycle methodsJS-0604Avoid the use of `Buffer()` and `Buffer#allocUnsafe()`JS-D025Found `this` in props default functionsJS-V003Invalid destructuring of `props`JS-V005Unsafe argument to `child_process`JS-D023Avoid using the `Buffer()` constructorJS-D026Use `head` property in component as a functionJS-W1013Properties of `$slots` should be used as a functionJS-0658Use of deprecated `$cookieStore`JS-0530Comparisons found where both the sides are exactly the sameJS-0089Forbid certain props on DOM NodesJS-0395Found `$FlowFixMe` commentsJS-0485Race condition in compound assignmentJS-0040Avoid using dangerous JSX propertiesJS-0440Typo in class properties and lifecycle methodsJS-0453Avoid using an element's index as the `key` propJS-0437Avoid using `console` in code that runs on browserJS-0002Missing default values for non-required propertiesJS-0391Avoid `.bind()` or local functions in JSX propertiesJS-0417Avoid using `setState` in `componentDidMount`JS-0442Missing `async` on `Promise` methodsJS-0373Detected the use of variables before they are definedJS-0357Restricted global variables being usedJS-0122Found no return statements in callbacks of array methodsJS-0042Found unsafe function declarationsJS-0073Assignment found where both sides are exactly the sameJS-0088Infinite loop conditionsJS-0092Detected duplicate class membersJS-0319Error objects should be used as Promise rejection reasonsJS-0114Variable used before definitionJS-0129Found duplicate module importsJS-0232Detected the use of classes as namespacesJS-0327Found `parseInt()` and `Number.parseInt()` for number literalsJS-0253Detected new operators with calls to requireJS-0261Detected string concatenation with __dirname and __filenameJS-0262Detected the use of process.exit()JS-0263Default parameters should be placed after non-default onesJS-0302Prevent conditionals where the type is always truthy or always falsyJS-0346Prefer that type arguments will not be used if not requiredJS-0348Found unused variables in TypeScript codeJS-0356Use `includes` method over `indexOf` methodJS-0363Use nullish coalescing operator `??`JS-0365`Array#sort` must have a compare functionJS-0375Type annotations should existJS-0386Avoid using `setState` in `componentWillUpdate`JS-0459Detected Forbidden elementsJS-0396Found unnecessary fragmentsJS-0424Avoid usage of `setState` in `componentDidUpdate`JS-0443Avoid usage of `shouldComponentUpdate`JS-0448Avoid using unsafe lifecycle methodsJS-0456`eval()` should not be usedJS-0060Value should not be returned in constructorJS-0109Found useless backreferences in regular expressionsJS-0039Require error handling in callbacksJS-0254Ensure Node.js-style error-first callback pattern is followedJS-0255Detected unused variables and argumentsJS-0355Found template literal placeholder syntax in regular stringsJS-0038Unnecessary `return await` function foundJS-0111Consider using `let` or `const` instead of `var`JS-0239Non-existent module importedJS-0259Private members should be marked as `readonly`JS-0368Detected Forbidden foreign propTypesJS-0397Prefer to forbid certain propTypesJS-0398Prevent usage of string literals in JSXJS-0420Prevent void DOM elements from receiving childrenJS-0474Found invalid `v-cloak` directivesJS-0630Deprecation of `.native` modifiersJS-0655`emits` validator does not always return a boolean valueJS-0660Should have valid `.sync` modifier on `v-bind` directivesJS-0665Use `$Exact` to make type spreading safeJS-0508Computed property should have property dependenciesJS-0813Prefer having a valid `v-for` directiveJS-0633Custom modifiers on `v-model` should not used on the componentJS-0662Should not use JQueryJS-0793Found invalid `v-model` directivesJS-0636Deprecation of functional templateJS-0648Avoid usage of deprecated `$on`, `$off`, `$once` in events apiJS-0646Avoid using deprecated lifecycle hooksJS-0643Should not use legacy test waitersJS-0794Disallow unnecessary `<template>`JS-0691Avoid overwriting reserved keysJS-0613Found invalid `v-once` directivesJS-0638Duplicate conditions in `v-if` / `v-else-if`JS-0609Found invalid `v-if` directivesJS-0635Avoid mutation of component propsJS-0611Parsing errors detected in `<template>`JS-0612Avoid mutating variables inside computed propertiesJS-0615Disallow unsupported Vue.js syntax on the specified versionJS-0714Prefer prop type to be a constructorJS-0621Always use `key` with `v-for`JS-0623Deprecation of Object Declaration on `data`JS-0629Avoid usage of deprecated `$listeners` on `v-on`JS-0644Found invalid `v-html` directivesJS-0634Found invalid `v-on` directivesJS-0637Found invalid `v-pre` directivesJS-0639Found invalid `v-show` directivesJS-0640Found invalid `v-slot` directivesJS-0641Deprecation of `destroyed` and `beforeDestroy` lifecycle hooksJS-0647Found invalid `v-text` directivesJS-0642Avoid usage of deprecated `$scopedSlots`JS-0645Disallow adding an argument to `v-model` used in custom componentJS-0664Deprecation of `slot-scope` attributeJS-0653Deprecation of `.sync` modifier on `v-bind` directiveJS-0654Deprecation of `Vue.config.keyCodes`JS-0657Should not use `this._super`JS-0782Found Ember's debug functions in wrong orderJS-0790Should not use side effectsJS-0804Use interpolation expressions instead of the `v-html` attributeJS-0693Detected non-null assertion in locations that may be confusingJS-0318Avoid having duplicate attributesJS-0610Deprecation of `is` attribute on HTML elementsJS-0649Deprecation of inline-template attributeJS-0650Require control the display of the content inside `<transition>`JS-0659Found duplicate properties in `Object` annotationsJS-0483Avoid typos when naming methods defined on the scope objectJS-0513Prefer to use `$window` instead of `window`JS-0569Found `this` keyword outside of classesJS-B002Prevent assigning modules to variablesJS-0515Use of controllers is discouragedJS-0525Avoid usage of deprecated `$http` methods `success()` and `error()`JS-0532Avoid using angular properties prefixed with `$$`JS-0516Found empty controllersJS-0524Found impure pipesJS-0575Use one component per fileJS-0517Deprecated directive replace propertyJS-0531Unittest `inject` functions should only consist of assignments from injected values to describe block variablesJS-0546Use `angular.forEach` instead of native `Array.prototype.forEach`JS-0556Prefer to use `angular.isString` instead of `typeof` comparisonsJS-0568Check for common misspellings of `$on(‘destroy’, …)` for angularJS-0570Prefer `Session.equals` in conditionsJS-0732Found `key` of `<template v-for>` on childJS-V002Unused expressions foundJS-B003Invalid `ref` as operandJS-V004Invalid `watch` functionJS-V007Invalid calls after `await`JS-V014Detected wrapping of angular.element objects with jQuery or $JS-0561Avoid direct use of `this` in controllersJS-0519`<a>` tag used without a `Link` componentJS-W1014Avoid using `process.server`, `process.client` and `process.browser` in client side hooksJS-E1000Avoid using `window/document` in `created/beforeCreate` hooksJS-E1001`next/document` import detected outside of `pages/_document.js`JS-E1002`next/head` import detected in `pages/_document.js`JS-E1003Avoid using `this` in `asyncData` and `fetch` hooksJS-W1011Avoid using `setTimeout/setInterval` in `asyncData/fetch`JS-W1012Avoid using deprecated or outdated librariesJS-S1005Use of deprecated `context` methods detectedJS-W1008Disable `X-POWERED-BY` HTTP headerJS-S1004Found import declaration with no export nameJS-E1007Found mutable exportsJS-E1009Found unresolved module being referenced in import statementsJS-E1010Use of comma or logical OR operators in switch casesJS-W1030Avoid having repeated named exports or default exportsJS-E1004Void operators foundJS-0098Use `for-of` loop for arrayJS-0361Disallow unnecessary route `path` optionJS-0809Require a name property in Vue componentsJS-0720Disallow the use of reserved names in component definitionsJS-0707Disallow unused propertiesJS-0715Disallow unnecessary `v-bind` directivesJS-0717Prefer not to use labels that share a name with a variableJS-0121Should not use `needs` to load other controllersJS-0770Detected empty functionsJS-0321Prefer event handler naming conventions in JSXJS-0411Prefer the use of `$ReadOnlyArray` instead of `Array`JS-0487Found unnecessary escape charactersJS-0097Inconsistent font-display for Google FontsJS-W1009Found division operators explicitly at the beginning of regular expressionsJS-0055Require `$on` and `$watch` deregistration callbacks to be saved in a variableJS-0529Disallow unnecessary mustache interpolationsJS-0716Prefer not to declare variables in global scopeJS-0067Prefer not to extend native typesJS-0061Validation of JSX maximum depthJS-0415Found unused expressionsJS-0093Local variable name shadows variable in outer scopeJS-0123Usage of comma operators should be avoidedJS-0090Consider using arrow functions for callbacksJS-0241Detected the `delete` operator with computed key expressionsJS-0320Getter without a setter pair in objectsJS-0041Use shorthand property syntax for object literalsJS-0240Prefer the usage of regular expression literals over the `RegExp` constructorJS-0115Detected the use of `alert`, `confirm` and `prompt`JS-0052`arguments.caller` or `arguments.callee` should not be usedJS-0053Unnecessary calls to `.bind()`JS-0062Found leading or trailing decimal points in numeric literalsJS-0065The use of the `__iterator__` property is not preferredJS-0070Found labeled statementsJS-0071Found some unnecessary nested blocksJS-0072Found `new` operators with the `String`, `Number` and `Boolean` ObjectsJS-0080Usage of octal escape sequences in string literals is not preferredJS-0082Assignment operators should not be used in return statementsJS-0086Inconsistent use of the radix argument when using `parseInt()`JS-0101Prefer var declarations be placed at the top of their scopeJS-0102Class methods should utilize `this`JS-0105Prefer grouped accessor pairs in object literals and classesJS-0107`async function` should have `await` expressionJS-0116Prefer adding `u` flag in regular expressionsJS-0117Found `undefined` as an IdentifierJS-0127Module imported is not necessaryJS-0234Found unnecessary computed property keys in object literalsJS-0236Found unnecessary constructorsJS-0237Found redundant naming for modulesJS-0238Require rest parameters instead of argumentsJS-0244Require template literals instead of string concatenationJS-0246Use sorted import declarations within modulesJS-0249Require symbol descriptionJS-0250Detected usage of void type outside of generic or return typesJS-0333Detected throwing literals as exceptionsJS-0343Detected a namespace qualifier is unnecessaryJS-0347Found interfaces with call signaturesJS-0362Use type parameter when calling `Array#reduce`JS-0369Exhaustiveness checking in switch with union typeJS-0383Unnecessary calls to `.call()` and `.apply()` foundJS-0095Unnecessary `catch` clauses foundJS-0112Use `const` declarations for variables that are never reassignedJS-0242Detected generic Array constructorsJS-0316`.toString()` is only called on objects which provide useful information when stringifiedJS-0317Found unused expressions in TypeScript codeJS-0354Prefer using self closing instead of closing tag for components having no childrenJS-0468Avoid using `this` in stateless functional componentsJS-0452Definitions for unused `propTypes` detectedJS-0457Definitions for unused states detectedJS-0458Prefer state initialization styleJS-0471Ensure `style` attribute is an `Object`JS-0473Either all code paths should have explicit returns, or none of themJS-0045Found shorthand type coercionsJS-0066Unnecessary concatenation of literals or template literals foundJS-0096`eval()`-like methods should not be usedJS-0068Use `String#startsWith` and `String#endsWith`JS-0371Invalid `async` keywordJS-0376Detected unnecessary constructorsJS-0358Found magic numbersJS-0074Prefer consistent naming for boolean propsJS-0389No default cases in switch statementsJS-0047Prefer that `for-in` loops should include an `if` statementJS-0051Found unnecessary `else` blocksJS-0056Found empty functionsJS-0057Unnecessary labelsJS-0063Assignments to native objects or read-only global variables is not preferredJS-0077The usage of `javascript:` urls is not recommendedJS-0087Found warning comments in codeJS-0099Usage of `strict` mode against recommended approachJS-0118Initialization in variable declarations against recommended approachJS-0119Variables should not be initialized to `undefined`JS-0126Require spread operators instead of .apply()JS-0245Consider using dot notationJS-0303Detected unnecessary equality comparisons against boolean literalsJS-0345Bad function overloadingJS-0388Prefer boolean attributes notation in JSXJS-0400Prefer shorthand form for react fragmentsJS-0410Consider Using `PascalCase` for user-defined JSX componentsJS-0426Avoid using spreading operator for JSX propsJS-0428Found invalid `v-bind` directiveJS-0628Prefer having synchronous computed propertiesJS-0607Found invalid `v-else-if` directivesJS-0631Should have valid `v-is` directivesJS-0661Should have order of component top-level elementsJS-0690Should have inheritAttrs to be set to false when using v-bind=`$attrs`JS-0703Disallow the `<template>` `<script>` `<style>` block to be emptyJS-0704Disallow using components that are not registered inside templatesJS-0713The usage of `__proto__` property is not recommendedJS-0084Disallow to pass multiple arguments to scoped slotsJS-0692Should not use Arrow functionsJS-0774Should not use `.on()`JS-0800Migrate `ember-data` to `@ember-data`JS-0818Incorrect computed macrosJS-0789Avoid using `this.attrs` to denote propertiesJS-0776Deprecation of `scope` attributeJS-0651Use valid `lang` value on `html` attributeJS-0753Duplication of field names is not allowedJS-0608Should not use ObserversJS-0798Don't use constructs or configuration that use the restricted resolver in testsJS-0803Don't use Ember's `function` prototypeJS-0784Disallow variable declarations from shadowing variables declared in the outer scopeJS-0679Should not use `pauseTest()` in testsJS-0801Found usage of deprecated `get/getProperties` on Ember ObjectsJS-0786Disallow specific attributeJS-0709Require emits option with name triggered by `$emit()`JS-0688Should not use `getWithDefault`JS-0785Missing `_super` in `init` lifecycle hooksJS-0815Don't use import paths from `ember-cli-shims`JS-0799Throwing literals as exceptions is not recommendedJS-0091Default parameters should be defined at the lastJS-0106Prefer Ember test helpersJS-0811Props are not `read-only`JS-0461Prefer having type alias for all union and intersection typesJS-0493Avoid the usage of primitive constructor typesJS-0488Prefer using exact object typesJS-0494Require inexact object typesJS-0496Use `v-bind:is` in `<component>` elementsJS-0620Prefer using `kebab-case` for custom event namesJS-0605Prefer function as component's `data` propertyJS-0614Found mustaches in `<textarea>`JS-0617Found unused registered components in templatesJS-0618Avoid using `v-if` on the same element as `v-for`JS-0619Found invalid `v-else` directivesJS-0632Invalid use of test waitersJS-0792Prefer each component to be in its own fileJS-0680Require type definitions in propsJS-0683Prefer default value for propsJS-0682Disallow specific component optionJS-0708Should not use `component#sendAction`JS-0771Don’t use jQuery without the Ember Run LoopJS-0772Should not use assignment on untracked propertyJS-0775Should not use `attrs` in ember hooksJS-0777Should not use controller in routesJS-0779Avoid using `@each` in deeply nested computed propertyJS-0780`Ember.testing` not allowed in modules scopeJS-0783Incorrect calls with inline anonymous functionsJS-0788Invalid Dependent KeysJS-0791Should not use mixinsJS-0795Do not use global `$` or `jQuery`JS-0787Should not use `setupOnerror` in `before`/`beforeEach`JS-0797Should use `async/await`JS-0805No importing of test filesJS-0806Use `module` instead of `moduleFor`JS-0807Should not use Volatile Computed PropertiesJS-0810Should use computed macrosJS-0812Always return a value from a computed property functionJS-0814Use `render`/`clearRender` instead of `this.render`/`this.clearRender`JS-0808Should use snake case for dynamic route segmentsJS-0816Indexers must be declared with key nameJS-0495Avoid using arrow functions to define watcherJS-0606Deprecation of `slot` attributeJS-0652Disallow specific argument in `v-bind`JS-0710Should not use arrays and Objects as default propertiesJS-0819Prefer having a consistent component name patternJS-0538Require and specify a prefix for all controller namesJS-0535Require and specify a prefix for all value namesJS-0543Specify a consistent function style for componentsJS-0547Inconsistent order of module dependenciesJS-0548Use `angular.isDefined` and `angular.isUndefined` instead of other undefined checksJS-0554Found `ViewEncapsulation.None`JS-0593Missing component selectorJS-0592Require DI parameters to be sorted alphabeticallyJS-0544Prefer using the `$log` service instead of the console methodsJS-0559Found unused dependency injection parametersJS-0522Avoid using deprecated template lifecycle callback assignmentsJS-0728Found DI of specified servicesJS-0528Invalid restrict option for directiveJS-0523Prefer using `angular.isNumber` instead of `typeof` comparisonsJS-0566Prefer the use of `===` and `!==` over `==` and `!=`JS-V009Use reference modules with the getter syntaxJS-0514Use `angular.element` instead of `$` or `jQuery`JS-0553Use `$document` instead of `document`JS-0555Specify consistent use of `$scope.digest()` or `$scope.apply()`JS-0552Cyclomatic complexity is more than allowed for the templateJS-0590Ensure `controllerAs` syntax in routes or statesJS-0518Avoid assignments to `$scope` in controllersJS-0520Found complex run functionsJS-0527Prefer having a prefix for all component namesJS-0533Specify a prefix for all constant namesJS-0534Prefer having a prefix for all directive namesJS-0536Prefer having a prefix for all factory namesJS-0537Prefer having a prefix for all filter namesJS-0539Prefer having a prefix for all module namesJS-0540Require and specify a prefix for all provider namesJS-0541Require and specify a prefix for all service namesJS-0542use `factory()` instead of `service()`JS-0549Require all DI parameters to be located in their own lineJS-0550Specify one of '$http', '$resource', 'Restangular'JS-0551Use `$interval` instead of `setInterval`JS-0557Consider using `ofangular.fromJson` and `angular.toJson`JS-0558`angular.mock` method can be used directlyJS-0560Prefer using `$timeout` instead of `setTimeout`JS-0562Prefer to use `angular.isArray` instead of `typeof` comparisonsJS-0563Prefer to use `angular.isFunction` instead of `typeof` comparisonsJS-0565Prefer to use `angular.isObject` instead of `typeof` comparisonsJS-0567`@Attribute` decorator should not be usedJS-0572Prevent explicit calls to lifecycle methodsJS-0573Missing `ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush` for angular codebaseJS-0576Missing `providedIn` propertyJS-0579Disallows usage of forwardRefJS-0583Disallowed prefix for input namesJS-0584Missing `@Pipe` decoratorJS-0594Prefer using `Meteor.defer` over `Meteor.setTimeout`JS-0729Should have check on all arguments of methods and publish functionsJS-0726Should not use global `$()` JqueryJS-0734Prevent DOM lookup in template `onCreated` callbackJS-0735Require template literals instead of string concatenationJS-V011Require a consistent DI syntaxJS-0545Prefer to use `angular.isDate` instead of `typeof` comparisonsJS-0564Prefer to use dot notation whenever possibleJS-V008Avoid use of inline HTML templatesJS-0526Missing `readonly` for `@Output`JS-0588Should not use template `parentData()`JS-0736Should not use global `Session`JS-0727Found anonymous functionsJS-D004Avoid using multiline stringsJS-C1000Documentation comments not found for functions and classesJS-D1001Avoid using on commonjs in `nuxt.config.js`JS-W1007Duplicate `polyfills` from ``JS-P1002Found disabled `EXPECT-CT` HeaderJS-S1006Found invalid css selector in test helpersJS-W1004Consider using `preconnect` with Google FontsJS-W1010Avoid using the `<img>` tagJS-W1015Synchronous script loading detectedJS-W1017Avoid using `<title>` with `Head` from `next/document`JS-W1018Avoid adding stylesheet manuallyJS-W1021Multiple `<Head>` detected in `pages/document.js`JS-W1023Bad collection size comparisonJS-W1031Avoid using `settled()` after `ember-test-helpers`JS-P1000Found empty glimmer component classesJS-P1001Found deprecated function `tryInvoke()`JS-W1001Found duplicate routing pathsJS-W1002Found deprecated Ember string prototype extensive methodsJS-W1003Avoid using `currentRouteName()` test helperJS-W1005Using `fetch()` without importing moduleJS-W1006Found unsafe method `htmlSafe()`JS-S1007Found unnecessarily complex import statementJS-C1001Use shorthand promise methodsJS-C1004Found multiple import of the same pathJS-R1000Intersection or union definition have duplicate typesJS-T1000Use default imports for only default exportsJS-W1028Found usage of deprecated nameJS-W1029Avoid using wildcard importsJS-C1003Found single char variable nameJS-C1002Found usage of exported name as property of default importJS-P1003Self import detectedJS-R1001Optional property in interface has an 'undefined' typeJS-T1001Function with cyclomatic complexity higher than thresholdJS-R1005
JavaScript logoJavaScript/

Use `// @ts-expect-error` over `// @ts-ignore`JS-0372

Minor severityMinor
Anti-pattern categoryAnti-pattern

TypeScript allows you to suppress all errors on a line by placing a single-line comment starting with @ts-ignore immediately before the erroring line. While powerful, there is no way to know if a @ts-ignore is actually suppressing an error without manually investigating what happens when the @ts-ignore is removed.

This means its easy for @ts-ignores to be forgotten about, and remain in code even after the error they were suppressing is fixed. This is dangerous, as if a new error arises on that line it'll be suppressed by the forgotten about @ts-ignore, and so be missed.

To address this, TS3.9 ships with a new single-line comment directive: // @ts-expect-error.

This directive operates in the same manner as @ts-ignore, but will error if the line it's meant to be suppressing doesn't actually contain an error, making it a lot safer.

Bad Practice

// @ts-ignore
const str: string = 1;

const isOptionEnabled = (key: string): boolean => {
  // @ts-ignore: if key isn't in globalOptions it'll be undefined which is false
  return !!globalOptions[key];
// @ts-expect-error
const str: string = 1;

const isOptionEnabled = (key: string): boolean => {
  // @ts-expect-error: if key isn't in globalOptions it'll be undefined which is false
  return !!globalOptions[key];