Random instances should be reusedJAVA-W1015
Creating a new instance of java.util.Random
every time a random value is required is wasteful. In addition, the randomness of the values produced is reduced due to increased predictability of the random number generation.
Store a single Random
instance and reuse it for best effect.
As per the JavaDocs for java.util.Random
If two instances of Random are created with the same seed, and the same sequence of method calls is made for each, they will generate and return identical sequences of numbers.
Because the final stream of random numbers generated by Random
is only dependant on the initial seed value, it is a bad idea to create Random
instances with constant seed values.
It is also not recommended to create new instances every time a random number is required. A number of JDKs implement Random
by using the system clock to initialize the seed when it is not provided. When a new instance is created each time, the reliance of the seed generation algorithm on the system clock reduces the quality of the resulting random number distribution.
Bad Practice
instances must not be discarded after only a single use.
int someInt = new Random().nextInt();
someInt = new Random().nextInt();
Random rng = new Random(); // Maybe this is an instance field.
// ...
int someInt = rng.nextInt();
// ...
boolean someBool = rng.nextBoolean();
Another option is to use Math.random()
, which is a readily available static method that returns a random double
value in the range0.0 <= x < 1.0
int someInt = (int)(Math.random() * 100) % 10; // gets a random number in the range 0-10
Note: While the Oracle and OpenJDK implementations of Random
are thread-safe, it is not recommended to rely on this fact. Consider using Math.random()
, or create a Random
instance for each thread if you need RNG across multiple threads. Keeping per-thread instances will avoid the performance penalty of synchronization that Math.random()
could suffer from.
- Oracle Java 8 JavaDocs - java.lang.Math.random()
- Oracle Java 11 JavaDocs - java.util.Random
- CERT - MSC02-J - Generate strong random numbers
- CWE-337 - Predictable Seed in Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG)