Use of `eval` detectedRB-SC1001Use of `Kernel#open` detectedRB-SC1004`rails` version is susceptible to DOS attack via Mime type cachingRB-A1008`sprockets` gem version is susceptible to path traversal vulnerabilityRB-A1009`rails` version specified in Gemfile does not encode JSON keysRB-A1010Rails version with CSRF token forgery vulnerability detectedRB-A1001Rails version with XML DOS vulnerability detectedRB-A1002Rails version with file disclosure vulnerability detectedRB-A1003Rails version with ActiveRecord symbol DOS vulnerability detectedRB-A1004Rails version vulnerable to timing attack in basic auth detectedRB-A1006Project's `rails` & `i18n` gem versions are vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS)RB-A1007Project's `rails` version is vulnerable to DoS on using `render :text`RB-A1011Rails version with SafeBuffer manipulation bug detectedRB-A1005Hash contains duplicate keysRB-LI1012`each_with_object` is called with an immutable argumentRB-LI1014Ineffective access modifier detectedRB-LI1028Literal used in interpolationRB-LI1032`while`/`until` detected in `begin` blockRB-LI1033Multiple comparison detectedRB-LI1035Trailing comma in attribute declaration detectedRB-LI1099Function argument overwritten before useRB-LI1064Use of `has_and_belongs_to_many` detectedRB-RL1025Error class inheriting from `Exception`RB-LI1029Duplicate require/require_relative blocks were foundRB-LI1096`return` detected inside `ensure`RB-LI1021Override of built-in `ActiveRecord` method detectedRB-RL1003Use of `ActiveSupport` alias to core Ruby method detectedRB-RL1004Use of `assert !` detectedRB-RL1009Call to `exit` detected in appRB-RL1021Consider using `where.first` method instead of `find_by`RB-RL1023Replace `all.each` with `all.find_each`RB-RL1024Use of http methods without params detectedRB-RL1028Conditional statement contains an assignmentRB-LI1004Unnecessary use of disjunctive assignment in constructorRB-LI1010Duplicate conditions found in caseRB-LI1011Invalid construction of percent string literalRB-LI1044Unnecessary splat expressionRB-LI1050`with_object` is called, but its value is not usedRB-LI1053Regex literal used as conditionRB-LI1054Predicate method with arg called without parenthesesRB-LI1055`Exception` used in `rescue`RB-LI1056Chain with safe navigation operator may cause `NoMethodError`RB-LI1059Inconsistent use for safe navigation operator detectedRB-LI1060Safe navigation operator used with `empty?` in conditionalRB-LI1061Outer local variable is shadowedRB-LI1066Unreachable code detectedRB-LI1072Access modifiers should be declared as a groupRB-ST1001`` with single argument detectedRB-DS1003Bad binary expression operand orderRB-DS1005Potential SSL verification bypass detectedRB-DS1011Prefer using templates instead of rendering inline textRB-W1011Duplicate value detected in enum declarationsRB-RL1019Unexpected override of built-in `Struct` methodRB-W1007Exception class overwritten by its resultRB-E1001Bad ordering of magic commentsRB-LI1042Arguments to range literal are ambiguousRB-W1006Lambda without a literal block is deprecatedRB-W1004Avoid using `git` to declare files in gemspecRB-E1004Deprecated method used inside `refine` blockRB-W1005Duplicate magic comment foundRB-W1008Use `Rails.root.join` to join pathsRB-RL1022Use `squish` for raw SQL queryRB-E1003Incorrect Order of ActiveRecord CallbacksRB-LI1103Avoid use of `match` in Rails routes with single request typeRB-LI1104Rails migrations are not reversibleRB-LI1107Rails 5 models should subclass `ApplicationRecord`RB-RL1008`add_column` does not accept an `index` argumentRB-W1013`default` value provided to `attribute` without a blockRB-W1014Symbol with same name as the boolean values foundRB-LI1006Duplicate assignments for a constantRB-DS1002Flip-flop operator detectedRB-LI1023`else` used without `rescue`RB-LI1080Using insecure network protocol sourceRB-S1000Require Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) in GemspecRB-S1001Division by zeroRB-E1009Found redundant self-assignment branchRB-C1014Useless occurrence of `rescue`RB-W1023`uniqueness: true` used on a field that is not an indexRB-W1022Usage of "*" on `Arel::Table` column referenceRB-W1018Method vulnerable to DoS attackRB-S1004Skipping CRRF or authentication checks by defaultRB-S1005Usage of `` methodRB-W1019Usage of weak hashing algorithmRB-S1002Plaintext password found in callbackRB-S1003Ignored column accessed from ActiveRecord modelRB-E1010Found pattern branch without a bodyRB-W1003`return` used in void contextRB-LI1058Top level return with argument detectedRB-LI1088Use of `and`/`or` detectedRB-ST1003`attr` usedRB-ST1006Explicitly make constant public or private using either `#public_constant` or `#private_constant`RB-ST1026Omit the parentheses in defs when the method doesn't accept any argumentsRB-ST1029Use `each_with_object` instead of `inject`/`reduce`RB-ST1036Avoid the use of `END` blocks. Use `Kernel#at_exit` insteadRB-ST1044Blocks should be used for interpolated strings passed to `Rails.logger.debug`RB-W1009Risk of race condition in non-atomic file operationRB-E1002Use of class/module name detected in definition of class/module methodsRB-ST1017Empty file detectedRB-LI1098Usage of SQL fragments in `where` query methodRB-C1016Usage of `inquiry` methodRB-C1017Found `then` keyword in multi-line pattern matching statementRB-C1015Unnecessary condition usedRB-ST1117Usage of `ENV[]` that fails silentlyRB-W1021Unused assignment detectedRB-LI1078Function with cyclomatic complexity higher than thresholdRB-R1001Insecure JSON method detectedRB-SC1002Use of insecure Marshal class method detectedRB-SC1003Audit: Calls to methods in `IO` class must be avoidedRB-A1012Use of insecure YAML method detectedRB-SC1005Use `lambda`/`proc` instead of a plain method callRB-RL1052Enum detected with array syntaxRB-RL1018Inconsistent usage of request attribute detectedRB-RL1047Use `start_with` in place of regexRB-PR1021Multiple methods with same name in the same scopeRB-LI1013Use `` with a block instead of `.times`RB-PR1023Empty `ensure` block detectedRB-LI1016Empty expression detectedRB-LI1017`when` branch without a body detectedRB-LI1019`END` detected in a methodRB-LI1020Mismatch between specified and passed format paramsRB-LI1025Invalid order of method invocation in heredocRB-LI1026Interpolation in a single-quote stringRB-LI1030Empty interpolation detectedRB-LI1018`Rails.env` predicate does not existRB-RL1056Possible unintended string concatenationRB-LI1027Self assignment detectedRB-LI1092Detected `==` for comparison instead of recommended `equal?` methodRB-LI1100Invalid value provided for `Integer#times`RB-LI1101Constants defined within a blockRB-LI1102Binary operator with identical operands detectedRB-LI1093Use unary plus to get an unfrozen string literalRB-PR1024`gsub(/\Aprefix/, '')` can be replaced by `delete_prefix('prefix')`RB-PR1026`gsub(/suffix\z/, '')` can be replaced by `delete_suffix('suffix')`RB-PR1027Unnecessary require statementRB-LI1049Incorrect pluralization grammar detectedRB-RL1037No `enable` statement found after `disable`RB-LI1034Use of deprecated `*_filter` detectedRB-RL1001Literal is used as conditionRB-LI1031Unused method arguments detectedRB-LI1074Grouped parentheses found in function callsRB-LI1043Use `String#end_with?` instead of a regex match anchored to the end of the stringRB-PR1009Do not compute the size of statically sized objectsRB-PR1010Use `flat_map` to flatten mapsRB-PR1011Use `=~` in places where the `MatchData` returned by `#match` will not be usedRB-PR1016Use `size` instead of `count`RB-PR1020Use `tr`/`delete` instead of `gsub`RB-PR1022Safe navigation used with `blank?`RB-RL1050`index_with` can be used to create a hash from an enumerableRB-RL1059Use of `ActiveRecord` alias detectedRB-RL1002Use `Range#cover?` instead of `Range#include?`RB-PR1014Use `yield` instead of block callRB-PR1015Prefer `match?` over `match`RB-PR1018Use `reverse_each` instead of `reverse.each`RB-PR1019Use of debugger detectedRB-LI1008`case`..`when` can be modified for performanceRB-PR1002Case-insensitive comparison of strings can use `casecmp`RB-PR1003Replace methods on array with mutationsRB-PR1004Replace `sort`, `max` and `min` with respective `_by` methodsRB-PR1005Use `count` instead of `select`/`reject`RB-PR1006Use the more efficient `detect` methodRB-PR1007Double `start_with?`/`end_with?` can be combinedRB-PR1008Use efficient method for searching hashesRB-PR1012Consider using `Struct` over `OpenStruct` to optimize the performanceRB-PR1013Rails 5 jobs should subclass `ApplicationJob`RB-RL1006Rails 5 mailers should subclass `ApplicationMailer`RB-RL1007Use of deprecated `required` detected in `belongs_to`RB-RL1010Conditional can be simplified using `Object#blank?`RB-RL1011Alter queries can be combinedRB-RL1012Tables should be created with timestampsRB-RL1013`delegate` could be used for delegationRB-RL1015Use of `find_by_*` detectedRB-RL1017Method skips model validationRB-RL1053Use of `dependent` option detectedRB-RL1026Use of helper instance variables detectedRB-RL1027Use symbolic value of HTTP status codesRB-RL1029`if` used with `only` or `except` in `skip_*` filterRB-RL1030Inverse relation cannot be determined automaticallyRB-RL1031Action filter is not defined in the scope it is used inRB-RL1032`link_to` has `_blank`, but no `rel: 'noopener'`RB-RL1033Replace output statements with loggerRB-RL1035Time should be used with zoneRB-RL1054Use of output-unsafe functions detectedRB-RL1036Use of `present` or `blank` can be replaced with `presence`RB-RL1038`present?` can be used to simplify conditionalsRB-RL1039Rake task found without `:environment` task dependencyRB-RL1040Square brackets are preferred for accessing/writing attributesRB-RL1041Redundant `allow_nil` detectedRB-RL1042Redundant receiver in `with_options` detectedRB-RL1043Non-preferred way of asserting falseness detectedRB-RL1045Relative date used as constantRB-RL1046Irreversible migration detectedRB-RL1048Methods with `!` should be usedRB-RL1051Method should be used before `pluck`RB-RL1055Old-style attribute validation macro detectedRB-RL1057`index_by` can be used to create a hash from an enumerableRB-RL1058Ambiguous association of block with methodRB-LI1001Ambiguous operators in first arg of method invocationRB-LI1002Ambiguous regular expression literal in method invocationRB-LI1003Use of deprecated ``RB-LI1005Circular argument referenceRB-LI1007Use of deprecated class methodsRB-LI1009Nested methods detectedRB-LI1036`next` is used without accumulatorRB-LI1038Require order is undeterministicRB-LI1039Non-local exit from iterator without return valueRB-LI1040Unsafe number conversionRB-LI1041Invalid construction of percent symbol arrayRB-LI1045Iterable is called with `with_index`, but its value is never usedRB-LI1052Invalid `rescue` type detectedRB-LI1057Bad ordering of exception rescue detectedRB-LI1065Suppressed exceptions detectedRB-LI1067`#to_json` requires an optional argumentRB-LI1069Deprecated URI escape/unescape usedRB-LI1075Use of deprected `URI.regexp` detectedRB-LI1076Useless access modifier detectedRB-LI1077Deprecated way of initializing OpenSSL::Cipher and OpenSSL::DigestRB-LI1083Do not mix named captures and numbered captures in a Regexp literalRB-LI1084Certain constants are not fully qualifiedRB-LI1085Duplicate elsif block detectedRB-LI1086Unreachable loop detectedRB-LI1090Multiple rescues for the same exception detectedRB-LI1091A block can be used that cleans up resources automatically on closingRB-ST1007Use `__dir__` to get an absolute path to the current file's directoryRB-ST1030Inconsistent use of safe navigation detectedRB-RL1049Bad usage of `Date` methods detectedRB-RL1014`:allow_blank` detected with delegationRB-RL1016Hash merging can be replaced by hash key assignmentRB-PR1017Bad comparison of `Rails.env` valueRB-RL1020Non-null column should specify a defaultRB-RL1034Redundant `ActiveRecord` foreign KeyRB-LI1105ActiveRecord callback being overriddenRB-LI1106Use `URI::DEFAULT_PARSER` instead of ``RB-PR1025Controllers should subclass `ApplicationController`RB-RL1005`class_name` should be a stringRB-RL1044Detected use of discouraged ways to define class methodsRB-ST1194`else` statement followed by expression on same lineRB-LI1015Useless comparison detectedRB-LI1079Useless call to setter detectedRB-LI1081If/Elsif/Unless branches without a body detectedRB-LI1094Command literal without backtick detectedRB-ST1022Use of implicit block detectedRB-ST1186Manually combining hashes is error proneRB-W1000Deprecated attribute assignment in Gemspec fileRB-W1001Renamed column accessed from ActiveRecord modelRB-E1012Use of `BEGIN` block detectedRB-ST1009Purposeless method definition detectedRB-LI1097Unused block argument detectedRB-LI1073Replace with `Integer#odd?`/`Integer#even?`RB-ST1046Use of `is_a` is preferredRB-ST1016Use of class variables detectedRB-ST1018Use `Integer#times` for a simple loop which iterates a fixed number of timesRB-ST1035Inconsistent class/module namespace nestingRB-ST1015Redundant coercion of stringRB-LI1051Out of range references of Regexp captures detectedRB-LI1095`*send*` methods used for mixinRB-LI1063Variable prefixed with underscore is being usedRB-LI1070Check for `Bignum` or `Fixnum` detectedRB-LI1071Missing super callRB-LI1087Floating point comparisons detectedRB-LI1089Bad use of `alias` detectedRB-ST1002`*` used as a substitute for `join`RB-ST1004Improper use of `%q()` or `%()`RB-ST1008Use of block comments detectedRB-ST1010Improper use of block delimiter detectedRB-ST1011Braces not found around hash in method callRB-ST1012Use of case equality operator detectedRB-ST1013Use of inconsistent method from `Enumerable` module detectedRB-ST1019Improper use of `::` detectedRB-ST1020Use of `::` in defining class methods detectedRB-ST1021Invalid annotation keyword format detectedRB-ST1023Improper position of commentsRB-ST1024Use the return of the conditional for variable assignment and comparisonRB-ST1025Prefer Time over DateTimeRB-ST1028Missing top-level documentation commentRB-ST1031Documentation missing for public methodRB-ST1032Avoid the use of double negation (`!!`)RB-ST1034Omit pipes for the empty block parametersRB-ST1037Do not use empty `case` condition, instead use an `if` expressionRB-ST1038Omit parentheses for the empty lambda parametersRB-ST1040Literal should be used instead of a method that results in literalRB-ST1041Put empty method definitions on a single lineRB-ST1042Pass `__FILE__` and `__LINE__` to `eval` method, as they are used by backtracesRB-ST1045Improper parameters to `expand_path`RB-ST1047Redundant self assignment was detectedRB-ST1190Incorrect order of keyword parameters detectedRB-ST1192Combinable loop statements detectedRB-ST1193Space found between receiver name and opening bracketsRB-C1013Pass conditions to `where` as a HashRB-W1012`require_relative` called with current file pathRB-W1002Consider writing method chains on separate linesRB-W1010Empty object shoud be asserted with `assert_empty`RB-W1016`require` call found for `lib` folderRB-W1015PascalCase not used in class or module nameRB-C1012Use of character literal detectedRB-ST1014Redundant `else`-clause detectedRB-ST1039Sole nested conditionals detectedRB-ST1191Use `<=` for checking inheritance instead of `ancestors.include?`RB-P1003Redundant usage of `%q`RB-ST1123Mailer class name without `Mailer` suffixRB-C1018Use `Comparable#clamp` to limit value to a rangeRB-C1019Unnecessary nested calls to `File.dirname`RB-W1017Column in `ignored_columns` does not existRB-W1020`rescue MethodError` can be replaced with `respond_to?`RB-P1001Use `while true` instead of `loop`RB-P1002
Ruby logoRuby/

Duplicate conditions found in caseRB-LI1011

Major severityMajor
Bug Risk categoryBug Risk

A condition in the case is repeated. This is usually a result of typos.

Bad practice

case x
when 'first'
when 'first'
case x
when 'first'
when 'second'