Calling garbage collector manually does not necessarily improve performanceCS-P1001Audit required: Switch to a better crypto algorithmCS-A1002Avoid empty finalizersCS-P1000Consider using `Environment.ProcessId` instead of `Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id`CS-P1002Async methods should not have a return type of `void`CS-R1005Non-Async methods with return type `Task/Task<T>` should not return `null`CS-R1006Use `Guid.Empty` to create an empty GUIDCS-R1007`ToString` method should never return `null`CS-R1011Potential memory leak inside `for` loop due to `stackalloc`CS-W1025Binary Formatter deserializes data in an insecure manner and should not be usedCS-S1006Audit required: Insecurely generated random numberCS-A1008Audit required: Cookie is transmitted over an insecure connectionCS-A1009Audit required: Cookie is accessible through a client-side scriptCS-A1010Use `double.IsNaN()` to check if a `double` is `NaN`CS-W1003Audit required: `enum` used for permissions is missing the `Flags` attributeCS-A1004Use the `is` operator to simplify type checkCS-R1049Filesystem related permissions specified are too broadCS-S1000Consider specifying the full path to the executable file when spawning processesCS-S1002Implementing custom crypto algorithms is not secureCS-S1005Empty interpolated stringCS-W1000Usage of deprecated `Thread`ing APIsCS-W1002`Equals` and `GetHashCode` must be overridden in pairCS-W1006Possible `IndexOutOfRangeException` whilst iteratingCS-W1007Comparison operator has same operands on both sidesCS-W1026Assignment expression found in place of conditionCS-W1032Using `throw ex` resets the Exception's stack traceCS-W1038Incorrectly formatted stringCS-W1024`ICloneable` does not define a spec for `Clone()` and hence should not be implementedCS-R1104Conditional branch has the same expression in both the branchesCS-W1073Incorrect variable being modified in nested loopsCS-W1074Casting a `object[]` to `string[]` will result in `CastException`CS-W1075Empty `lock` statements should be avoidedCS-W1076Empty `if` statements should be avoidedCS-W1077Getters and setters should be mutually synchronizedCS-W1078Operator implementation refers to itself and may cause recursive callsCS-W1079Use `ContainsKey()` to check if a key exists in a `Dictionary<T, K>`CS-P1016Result of the bitwise operation is same as its operandCS-R1089Anti-forgery token is ignored via `IgnoreAntiforgeryTokenAttribute`CS-A1011Consider using `Uri.EscapeDataString()` instead of `Uri.EscapeUriString()`CS-S1009Number of elements passed instead of buffer lengthCS-W1051Do not declare finalizers for types derived from `MemoryManager<T>`CS-W1052Pointer is being compared with `null`CS-W1063Unary operator is redundant due to its operandCS-R1090Insecure protocol specified for `ServicePointManager`CS-S1007Unary `is` expression can be simplifiedCS-R1094Consider using more appropriate overload `StringBuilder.Append(char)`CS-P1017Consider using `typeof(T).Assembly` to get currently executing assemblyCS-P1018Null conditional operator is made redundant by a dominant checkCS-R1087`ThreadStatic` attribute used on a field that has explicit valueCS-R1088Method is empty and effectively does nothingCS-R1093Security attribute is ineffective due to parent scope's attributeCS-S1008`GetType()` called on `System.Type`CS-W1064Consider moving to safer and recommended alternatives as the web APIs used are obsoleteCS-S1010Insecure SQL authentication specifiedCS-S1011Specified certificate validation callback is insecureCS-S1012Consider explicitly specifying the `XmlResolver` propertyCS-S1013Wildcard domains being listened to by `HttpListener`CS-S1014Incorrect block delimitationCS-S1015`DisableRequestSizeLimitAttribute` attribute used to disable request body's size limitsCS-S1016User input being processed directly without sanitizationCS-S1017Lock is obtained on a `public` `object`CS-W1046`GetHashCode()` relies on a mutable entityCS-W1048`enum` marked with `Flags` attribute is missing required initializationCS-W1049`StringBuilder` is initialized with an invalid argumentCS-W1050Value types should not be compared using `object.ReferenceEquals()`CS-W1053Result of `IsInstanceOfType()` may be unreliable as an incorrect argument is passedCS-W1065`Dictionary<T, K>` has duplicate key(s) in its initializerCS-W1054Argument passed to `Enum.HasFlag` should be same as the type on which it is being invokedCS-W1055Applying `ThreadStatic` to instance fields is redundantCS-W1056Do not expose unmanaged resourcesCS-W1057Exception thrown is obsolete and is no longer in use by the runtimeCS-W1058Throwing exceptions in `finally` block may affect resource cleanup and stack traceCS-W1060Classes and structs should be declared within a `namespace`CS-W1061A disposable entity is being returnedCS-W1062Missing implementation of members wrapped in an interface attributed with `DynamicInterfaceCastableImplementation`CS-W1066Incorrect `TaskCompletionSource` constructor invokedCS-W1067Result of a pure method is unusedCS-W1068Methods should pass optional parameters to the base implementationCS-W1071Comparing an entity's type against `typeof(Nullable<T>)` is unreliableCS-W1069Empty record achieves nothing and is likely a bad design patternCS-R1134Detected the use of arithmetic operation to construct a `DateTime` objectCS-W1080Values in an `enum` should be uniqueCS-W1088Result of an assignment expression is unusedCS-W1082Setter does not access `value`CS-W1083Division by zero results in `System.DivideByZeroException`CS-W1081Checking for overflow has been skippedCS-W1087Avoid inheriting outdated typesCS-R1115If-else chain has a duplicate conditionCS-W1084`static` field is hidden due to method's parameterCS-W1085Argument passed to `Equals()` is same as the object upon which this method is invokedCS-W1086Object is passed to a method that belongs to itselfCS-W1098Missing `Culture`-related information when parsing `Date` and `Time`-sCS-W1092`Length`-like property is compared against values which always evaluate to the same resultCS-W1090Found the usage of `DateTime.Now` that relies on system-specific informationCS-W1091`IEnumerable.Skip()` takes in number of elements to skip rather than the indexCS-W1093Acquiring `lock` on local variables is error-proneCS-W1094Object created is neither assigned to a variable nor passed as an argument but is dropped immediatelyCS-W1097Getter and setter should access the same fieldsCS-W1095Oddness test is broken for negative numbersCS-W1089Properties should not return arrays as they are not write protectedCS-W1096Parameters marked as `in`, `out` or `ref` should always be placed after all the required parametersCS-R1138`null` literal explicitly passed to `??` operatorCS-R1135Missing `Justification` value in `SuppressMessage` attributeCS-R1139Getters must not throw exceptionsCS-R1038Explicit trap of `NullReferenceException`CS-R1009Audit required: Call to potentially dangerous method `DangerousGetHandle`CS-A1001Audit: Consider using `System.URI` instead of `string`sCS-A1000Consider making `static readonly` fields `const`CS-P1003Do not overload the `==` operator to perform value equality checksCS-R1001Methods with `Pure` attribute should return a valueCS-R1002Methods with `DoesNotReturn` attribute should not return a valueCS-R1003Consider using `.TryParse` over `.Parse` when converting typesCS-R1004Exception caught is genericCS-R1008Accessor like method has return type `void`CS-R1013Use `string.IsNullOrEmpty` or `string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace` to check for empty stringsCS-R1014Exception thrown is genericCS-R1015Obsolete attribute should specify the messageCS-R1016Redundant call to `ToCharArray()` when iterating a stringCS-P1004Empty `default` label without a comment is redundantCS-R1022Method marked as `TestMethod` declared in a non-test classCS-W1013Consider having 1 `public` class per namespaceCS-R1035Consider using the appropriate overloaded method when searching for a single charCS-P1006Audit required: Instance of `NotImplementedException`CS-A1003Audit required: Warning disabled explicitlyCS-A1006Abrupt application exitCS-W1005`var` is redundant when combined with `out` and a discard patternCS-R1067Consider using `L` as a suffix for `long` rather than `l`CS-R1027Consider declaring only 1 `namespace` per fileCS-R1034Deprecated method being invokedCS-W1023Consider using the constants from the `Math` classCS-R1071Using negative array indices results in `IndexOutOfRangeException`CS-W1042Audit required: Test is ignoredCS-A1005Exceptions that are created must be usedCS-W1043Unreachable code detectedCS-W1016Avoid chaining of index lookup and `.Substring` methodCS-P1007Explicit mention of array type and/or size is redundant when array is initializedCS-R1045Empty initializer is redundantCS-R1063Type name contains only lower-cased ASCII charactersCS-W1036Consider using `.TryGetValue` to access elements in `Dictionary`CS-P1005Consider using the range operator `..` over `Substring`CS-R1037Consider rewriting chained `.OrderBy()` calls as `.ThenBy()`CS-P1008Use `Array.Empty<T>()` to efficiently create empty arraysCS-P1009Rewrite `virtual void Finalize()` as `~Destructor()`CS-P1010Use the method overload that accepts `Span<T>` instead of `T[]` when possible to reduce allocationsCS-P1011Use `StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase` for case insensitive comparisonsCS-R1017Consider specifying the `CultureInfo` parameter when possibleCS-R1018Consider simplifying the element accessCS-R1019Consider returning an empty array instead of `null`CS-R1020Catch clauses that simply re`throw` Exceptions are redundantCS-R1021Pure methods cannot have return type `void`CS-R1023Overridden methods cannot simply call `base` class implementationCS-R1025`ref` / `out` parameters cannot be marked as `Optional`CS-R1026Explicit `default` constructors are redundantCS-R1028`TestMethods` must contain `Assert` statementsCS-R1029Usage of reserved keywords as variable identifierCS-R1030Consider simplifying the boolean comparison expression for concisionCS-R1031Consider inverting the predicate to simplify `!Any()` callCS-R1033Widening of `Exception` in the catch clauseCS-R1036`if` conditions can be mergedCS-R1039Consider collapsing the `null` checkCS-R1040Consider using `Any()` to check for emptinessCS-R1032Boolean expression with ternary operator can be simplifiedCS-R1042`null` check is redundant when used in combination with `is`CS-R1043Redundant `else` due to `return`CS-R1044Consider simplifying LINQ query by dropping explicit `.Where()` callCS-R1046Consider rewriting `Nullable<T>` as `T?`CS-R1047Consider rewriting `using` statement as `using` declarationCS-R1050Sorting expression can be simplifiedCS-R1051Explicitly inheriting `System.Object` and `int` for `class`es and `enum`s is redundantCS-R1052Classes implementing `IEquatable<T>` can be `sealed`CS-R1053Class implements `Equals` but not `IEquatable<T>`CS-R1054Consider rewriting null checks and casts using pattern matchingCS-R1056Comparing unconstrained generic parameter against `null` is bug-proneCS-R1057`sealed` modifier for a method in a `sealed` class is redundantCS-R1058Use `nameof` operator instead of explicitly spelling out the parameterCS-R1059Consider changing explicit getter and setter to auto-propertyCS-R1060Consider adding the `init` accessorCS-R1061Use File Scoped `namespace`s instead of typical `namespace`sCS-R1062Type can be dropped from the declaration's RHS when explicitly mentioned in the LHSCS-R1064`unsafe` block is redundant when placed in a method marked as `unsafe`CS-R1065`protected` field in a `sealed` class is redundantCS-R1066Lambda can be converted to a method groupCS-R1068Consider using the appropriate `Console.WriteLine()` overloadCS-R1070Discard patterns are redundant when used with the `is` operator and can be droppedCS-R1069You can drop the lower bound in a range expression if is zeroCS-R1072Insecure protocol specified in clear textCS-S1001Consider using SSL when dealing with SMTPCS-S1003Use `Path.GetTempFileName()` to generate unique filenames rather than relying on `DateTime`CS-S1004Custom `Exception`s should always be `public`CS-W1004Do not throw from critical methodsCS-W1008Switch statement is missing the `default` caseCS-W1009`IndexOf()` like methods operate on 0-based indexingCS-W1010Test method does not match the required signatureCS-W1011Use of Yoda expressionsCS-W1012Calling `Dispose` twice is UBCS-W1014`enum` with `Flags` attribute has invalid valuesCS-W1015Non-short circuit logic is likely a mistakeCS-W1017Use `DateTime.Compare()` to compare `DateTime`sCS-W1018Potential `NullReferenceException` when comparing against `null`CS-W1019`.ToString` on an array does not stringify its contentsCS-W1020Built-in entity shadowed by a declarationCS-W1021Variable is uninitializedCS-W1022Variable is assigned to itselfCS-W1027`null` is being assigned to an entity that is non-nullableCS-W1028Method has non-nullable return type but returns `null`CS-W1029Override `GetHashCode` and `Equals` if operators `==` and `!=` are overloadedCS-W1031Method marked as `extern` is missing relevant attributeCS-W1033Unused `goto` labelCS-W1034Method's generic parameter shadows class' generic parameterCS-W1035Program may not contain an `async` entrypoint when a `sync` entry point existsCS-W1037Entity marked for `export` is missing its implementationCS-W1039Constructors should initialize non-null fields when exitingCS-W1040`Stream.Read()` return value should always be checkedCS-W1041Consider using the `null-coalescing` operator to simplify the `null` checkCS-R1024Local declaration shadows class fields and propertiesCS-W1030Implementing `IComparable<T>` may be particularly usefulCS-R1106Consider reusing existing instances of `StringBuilder`CS-P1020Child and parent classes cannot share the same nameCS-R1103Variable declared when catching `Exception` is unusedCS-R1084`DefaultParameterValue` must be used instead of `DefaultValue` when `Optional` attribute is specifiedCS-W1045Consider simplifying lambda when its body has a single statementCS-R1085`if` statement can be rewritten using the ternary operatorCS-R1105Use `Environment.ProcessId` to fetch process ID instead of `Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id`CS-P1012Use `Environment.ProcessPath` to fetch process path instead of `Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName`CS-P1013Audit: Writing to a file that's in a publicly accessible directoryCS-A1012Audit required: Pointer arithmetic may point to incorrect memory locationCS-A1013Audit required: Path used in archive extraction maybe unsanitizedCS-A1014Use `Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId` to fetch the thread ID instead of `Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId`CS-P1014Empty `namespace`s are redundantCS-R1083Getters and setters with a single statement in their bodies can be simplifiedCS-R1095Passing an identity function to `Select()` is redundantCS-P1015Methods that deal with `async` should have their names suffixed with `Async`CS-R1073`DefaultParameterValue` attribute is redundant when parameter is not marked as `Optional`CS-R1074`Attribute` suffix is redundant when using an attributeCS-R1075Use underscores to make long numeric literals readableCS-R1076Rewrite `new System.Type[0]` as `Type.EmptyTypes`CS-R1077`abstract` classes with only `abstract` methods should be declared as `interface`sCS-R1078Replace `string.Compare()` with `string.Equals()`CS-R1079Reserving a member in an `enum` provides no benefitCS-R1080Consider using `ThrowIfCancellation()` where possibleCS-R1081Reserved `Exception` being thrownCS-R1082`CompilerGenerated` attribute should not be used within user defined codeCS-R1086Empty `finally` block is redundantCS-R1091Comparing against a value and assigning the same value is redundantCS-R1092`abstract` classes cannot contain `public` constructorsCS-R1096Consider using the `default` literal over `default(T)`CS-R1097Incorrectly placed typecheckCS-R1098Redundant call to base class' constructorCS-R1099Classes that inherit `EventArgs` should be named appropriatelyCS-R1102Lock is obtained on an entity that does not guarantee reliable mutual exclusionCS-W1044An `async` method should have at least a single `await`ableCS-W1047Method exposed by an unmanaged dynamic-link library (DLL) is `public`CS-W1059Field that was initialized inline is being overwritten in the constructorCS-W1072Do not prefix enum members with enum's nameCS-R1132Using the logical not operator to invert binary expressions can affect readabilityCS-R1108Missing implementation of `System.Exception`CS-R1109Drop record's body if it does not define any membersCS-R1130Use `.TryAdd` to safely add keys to a `Dictionary<K, V`>CS-R1123Consider replacing an `if` statement with just the condition if all it does is return a `bool` valueCS-R1126Consider reusing `record` objects that rely on `const` parametersCS-P1022Consider using `Clear()` to set the items in a `Span<T>` to their default valuesCS-P1023Consider using `not null` instead of an empty recursive pattern when checking for nullnessCS-R1120Consider using the equality operators when evaluating `bool?`CS-R1118Unusual data type specified for `enum`CS-P1021Consider dropping the parameter's name if it is same as the value when instantiating an anonymous objectCS-R1127Empty `else` statement is redundantCS-R1129Avoid nested ternary expressionsCS-R1114A `switch` statement having only a `default` case is redundantCS-R1124Consider using the indexer when adding a key to `Dictionary<K, V>`CS-R1119Duplicate `using` directives can be removedCS-R1122Switch statement is empty and effectively redundantCS-R1117Explicitly defined `case` labels are redundant if they fallthrough to `default` caseCS-R1107Consider using `string.Contains` instead of comparing the result of `string.IndexOf`CS-R1110Comment is empty and adds no contextCS-R1111Extension method is defined on `object` rather than a specific typeCS-R1112Missing space between `=` and subsequent operatorCS-R1113`default` case should always occur at last in a `switch` statementCS-R1121Comparing an instantiated object with `null` will always evaluate to `false`CS-R1125Using inefficient methods `Min()`/`Max()` on `SortedSet<T>`CS-P1025Fields initialized only in constructors can be made `readonly`CS-R1137Avoid multiple assignments in a single expressionCS-R1143`0` should be assigned to `None` in `enum`-s attributed with `Flags` attributeCS-R1144Consider passing `DateTimeKind` when possibleCS-W1099Use conditional access operator or pattern matching to safely access nullable valueCS-R1136Properties should not return collections' cloneCS-P1026Consider dropping redundant call to `HashSet<T>::Contains()`CS-R1142Using inefficient methods `First()`/`Last()` on `LinkedList<T>`CS-P1024Use of `TODO/FIXME` comment encounteredCS-D1000Consider discarding empty blocksCS-R1012Use aliases when using built-in typesCS-R1000Names of interfaces must begin with `I`CS-R1010Use brace initialization when creating a new object and setting its propertiesCS-R1048Redundant `new` keyword for arrays initialized in placeCS-R1055Nested switch statementsCS-W1001Convert complex expression to compound assignmentCS-R1100Custom attribute is missing `AttributeUsage` attributeCS-W1070`DefaultConnectionLimit` is set to a value that may degrade performanceCS-P1019Consider dropping attribute's parenthesisCS-R1101Numeric literal has incorrect groupingCS-R1131Deconstruct tuple expression to avoid repetitivenessCS-R1133Consider using `if`-`else` instead of a `switch` statement when having 2 or fewer casesCS-R1116`CancellationToken` parameter should always be placed last in the parameter listCS-R1141Function with cyclomatic complexity higher than thresholdCS-R1140
Consider discarding empty blocksCS-R1012
Empty blocks do not necessarily add any value to the codebase and should be discarded if possible. Therefore, it is recommended that you either discard this empty block or refactor it accordingly.