Base64 validation of parametersCFLIN-E1021Join validation of parametersCFLIN-E1022Mapping limitCFLIN-I7010Mapping name limitCFLIN-I7011Mapping attribute limitCFLIN-I7012Check values of properties for valid refs and getattsCFLIN-E3008Resource limit not exceededCFLIN-E3010Validation not function configurationCFLIN-E1023Cidr validation of parametersCFLIN-E1024Cannot reference resources in the conditions block of the templateCFLIN-E1026Check if a string has between min and max number of values specifiedCFLIN-E3033Check if a number is between min and maxCFLIN-E3034Check deletionpolicy values for resourcesCFLIN-E3035Check updatereplacepolicy values for resourcesCFLIN-E3036Check if a list has duplicate valuesCFLIN-E3037Check minimum 90 period is met between backupplan cold and deleteCFLIN-E3504Metadata interface have appropriate propertiesCFLIN-E4001Validate the configuration of the metadata sectionCFLIN-E4002Check that modules resources are validCFLIN-E5001Outputs have appropriate propertiesCFLIN-E6001Outputs have required propertiesCFLIN-E6002Outputs have values of stringsCFLIN-E6003Outputs have appropriate namesCFLIN-E6004Output limit not exceededCFLIN-E6010Output name limit not exceededCFLIN-E6011Output description limit not exceededCFLIN-E6012Mappings are appropriately configuredCFLIN-E7001Mappings have appropriate namesCFLIN-E7002Mapping keys are strings and alphanumericCFLIN-E7003Mapping limit not exceededCFLIN-E7010Mapping name limit not exceededCFLIN-E7011Conditions have appropriate propertiesCFLIN-E8001Check if the referenced conditions are definedCFLIN-E8002Check fn::equals structure for validityCFLIN-E8003Check fn::not structure for validityCFLIN-E8005Check fn::or structure for validityCFLIN-E8006Template size limitCFLIN-I1002Template description limitCFLIN-I1003Use sub instead of joinCFLIN-I1022Parameter limitCFLIN-I2010Parameter name limitCFLIN-I2011Parameter value limitCFLIN-I2012Validate that snapstart is configured for >= java11 runtimesCFLIN-I2530Resource name limitCFLIN-I3012Ref/getatt to resource that is available when conditions are appliedCFLIN-W1001Findinmap keys exist in the mapCFLIN-W1011Template size limitCFLIN-E1002Sub validation of parametersCFLIN-W1019Sub isn't needed if it doesn't have a variable definedCFLIN-W1020Check if parameters are usedCFLIN-W2001Resources have appropriate namesCFLIN-E3006Unique resource and parameter namesCFLIN-E3007Property is unwanted based on another properties valueCFLIN-E3018Attributedefinitions / keyschemas mismatchCFLIN-E3039Outputs descriptions can only be stringsCFLIN-E6005Mapping attribute limit not exceededCFLIN-E7012Check fn::and structure for validityCFLIN-E8004Resource limitCFLIN-I3010Check stateful resources have a set updatereplacepolicy/deletionpolicyCFLIN-I3011Arns should use correctly placed pseudo parametersCFLIN-I3042Check if parameters have a valid value based on an allowed patternCFLIN-W2031Check if password properties are correctly configuredCFLIN-W2501Availability zone parameters should not be hardcodedCFLIN-W3010Check iam permission configurationCFLIN-W3037Error processing rule on the templateCFLIN-E0002Getatt validation of parametersCFLIN-E1010Snapstart supports the configured runtimeCFLIN-E2530Resource schemaCFLIN-E3000Basic cloudformation resource checkCFLIN-E3001Check required properties for lambda if the deployment package is a .zip fileCFLIN-W2533Template description can only be a stringCFLIN-E1004Select validation of parametersCFLIN-E1017Parameters have appropriate namesCFLIN-E2003Validate route53 recordsetsCFLIN-E3020Check at least one essential container is specifiedCFLIN-E3042Output name limitCFLIN-I6011Check if eol lambda function runtimes are usedCFLIN-W2531Check if mappings are usedCFLIN-W7001Check if conditions are usedCFLIN-W8001Fn::equals will always return true or falseCFLIN-W8003Check resources with auto expiring content have explicit retention periodCFLIN-I3013Check if a list that allows duplicates has any duplicatesCFLIN-I3037Checks for legacy instance type generationsCFLIN-I3100Output limitCFLIN-I6010Ref validation of valueCFLIN-E1020Check properties that need at least one of a list of propertiesCFLIN-E2522Codepipeline stage actionsCFLIN-E2541Check dependson values for resourcesCFLIN-E3005Check resource properties valuesCFLIN-E3012Cloudfront aliasesCFLIN-E3013Check if serverless resources have serverless transformCFLIN-E3038Recordset hostedzonename is a superdomain of nameCFLIN-E3041Validate parameters for in a nested stackCFLIN-E3043Check fargate service scheduling strategyCFLIN-E3044Validate accesscontrol are set with ownershipcontrolsCFLIN-E3045Check if refing to a iam resource with path setCFLIN-E3050Basic cloudformation template configurationCFLIN-E1001Template description limitCFLIN-E1003Findinmap validation of configurationCFLIN-E1011Check if refs existCFLIN-E1012Getaz validation of parametersCFLIN-E1015Importvalue validation of parametersCFLIN-E1016Split validation of parametersCFLIN-E1018Sub validation of parametersCFLIN-E1019Check dynamic references secure strings are in supported locationsCFLIN-E1027Check fn::if structure for validityCFLIN-E1028Sub is required if a variable is used in a stringCFLIN-E1029Length validation of parametersCFLIN-E1030Tojsonstring validation of parametersCFLIN-E1031Validates foreach functionsCFLIN-E1032Parameters have appropriate propertiesCFLIN-E2001Parameters have appropriate typeCFLIN-E2002Parameter limit not exceededCFLIN-E2010Parameter name limit not exceededCFLIN-E2011Parameter value limit not exceededCFLIN-E2012Default value cannot use refsCFLIN-E2014Default value is within parameter constraintsCFLIN-E2015Resource elb propertiesCFLIN-E2503Check ec2 ebs propertiesCFLIN-E2504Resource ec2 security group ingress propertiesCFLIN-E2506Check if iam policies are properly configuredCFLIN-E2507Check properties that are mutually exclusiveCFLIN-E2520Check properties that are required togetherCFLIN-E2521Check properties that need only one of a list of propertiesCFLIN-E2523Output description limitCFLIN-I6012Check for subscriptionfilters have beyond 2 attachments to a cloudwatch log groupCFLIN-E2529Check if eol lambda function runtimes are usedCFLIN-E2531Check state machine definition for proper syntaxCFLIN-E2532Codepipeline stagesCFLIN-E2540Resource properties are invalidCFLIN-E3002Required resource properties are missingCFLIN-E3003Resource dependencies are not circularCFLIN-E3004Resource name limit not exceededCFLIN-E3011Check the configuration of a resources updatepolicyCFLIN-E3016Property is required based on another properties valueCFLIN-E3017Check events rule targets are less than or equal to 5CFLIN-E3021Resource subnetroutetableassociation propertiesCFLIN-E3022Check if a json object is within size limitsCFLIN-E3502Rds instance type is compatible with the rds typeCFLIN-E3025Check elastic cache redis cluster settingsCFLIN-E3026Validate aws event scheduleexpression formatCFLIN-E3027Check if properties have a valid valueCFLIN-E3030Validationdomain is superdomain of domainnameCFLIN-E3503Check if property values adhere to a specific patternCFLIN-E3031Check if a list has between min and max number of values specifiedCFLIN-E3032Check if parameters have a valid valueCFLIN-W2030Check if imageid parameters have the correct typeCFLIN-W2506Parameter memory size attributes should have max and minCFLIN-W2510Check iam resource policies syntaxCFLIN-W2511Validate that snapstart is properly configuredCFLIN-W2530Warn when properties are configured to only work with the package commandCFLIN-W3002Check obsolete dependson configuration for resourcesCFLIN-W3005Check resources with updatereplacepolicy/deletionpolicy have bothCFLIN-W3011Controlling access to an s3 bucket should be done with bucket policiesCFLIN-W3045Metadata interface parameters existCFLIN-W4001Check for noecho referencesCFLIN-W4002Check outputs using importvalueCFLIN-W6001

Resource ec2 security group ingress propertiesCFLIN-E2506

Major severityMajor
Anti-pattern categoryAnti-pattern
ec2, securitygroup, resources

See if EC2 Security Group Ingress Properties are set correctly. Check that "SourceSecurityGroupId" or "SourceSecurityGroupName" are are exclusive and using the type of Ref or GetAtt


Aws Properties Ec2 Security Group Ingress