Swift constructors are preferred over legacy convenience functionsSW-R1008
Legacy convenience functions are often used to initialize values in Swift. However, Swift constructors provide a better alternative for initializing objects. Here are some reasons why:
Readability: Constructors provide clear and concise initialization by explicitly defining and separating the parameter list and initialization logic. In contrast, legacy convenience functions may not be as readable and can be difficult to understand without proper documentation.
Type Safety: Constructors provide the type safety check at compile-time, which ensures that the inputs passed to the initialization of the object are of the correct type and the correct number of arguments are passed to the constructor. This helps in catching bugs early in the development process.
Code Maintainability: Constructors are essential to manage the lifecycle of an object, and they are an integral part of the class definition. This makes the code more maintainable and easier to understand for other developers. Legacy convenience functions, on the other hand, are not part of the class definition and can make the code harder to maintain.
Compatibility: Constructors define the object's initialization interface, which can be used across the codebase. In contrast, legacy convenience functions may have different signatures or return types, which can make it harder to integrate them with other parts of the code.
In summary, Swift constructors provide better readability, type safety, code maintainability, and compatibility when compared to legacy convenience functions. It is recommended to use constructors for object initialization.
Bad Practice
let myObject = MyObject.createMyObject("arg1", "arg2")
let myObject = MyObject(arg1: "arg1", arg2: "arg2")