Unused setter value is likely a mistakeSW-W1004Duplicate key in dictionary is likely a mistakeSW-E1000Default parameters should always be positioned at the endSW-W1001Duplicate conditions in branch instruction is likely a mistakeSW-W1005Enum should always have unique casesSW-W1007Use of an insecure version of TLS protocolSW-S1002Use of an insecure block cipher modeSW-S1003Use of an insecure cipher algorithmSW-S1004Prefer using `min()` or `max()` over `sorted().first` or `sorted().last`SW-P1011Prefer using `.first(where:)` over `.filter { }.first` in collectionsSW-P1007Prefer `contains` over `range(of:) != nil` and `range(of:) == nil`SW-P1012Force unwrapping should be avoidedSW-W1023An object should only remove itself as an observer in `deinit`SW-W1028Prefer `contains` over comparing `filter(where:).count` to zeroSW-P1001Prefer `reduce(into:_:)` over `reduce(_:_:)` for copy-on-write typesSW-P1010Prefer using `.allSatisfy()` or `.contains()` over `reduce(true)` or `reduce(false)`SW-P1000Prefer `contains` over using `filter(where:).isEmpty`SW-P1002Prefer `contains` over `first(where:) != nil` and `firstIndex(where:) != nil`SW-P1003Prefer checking `isEmpty` over comparing collection to an empty array or dictionary literalSW-P1004`@IBInspectable` should be applied to variables only, have its type explicit and be of a supported typeSW-W1006`try!` statements should be avoidedSW-W1008When the index or the item is not used, `.enumerated()` can be removedSW-W1002The initializers declared in compiler protocols such as `ExpressibleByArrayLiteral` shouldn’t be called directlySW-W1027Avoid using `dynamic` and `@inline(__always)` togetherSW-W1026Subclasses of `NSObject` should implement `isEqual` instead of `==`SW-W1029Passing `NSNumber.init` or `NSDecimalNumber.init` as a function reference is dangerous as it can cause the wrong initializer to be used, causing crashes; use `.init(value:)` insteadSW-W1030Delegate protocols should be class-only so they can be weakly referencedSW-R1029Prefer using `.last(where:)` over `.filter { }.last` in collectionsSW-P1009TODOs and FIXMEs should be resolvedSW-D1000Extensions shouldn't override declarationsSW-R1020Duplicate import statements are redundant and can be removedSW-W1000Unused parameters in a closure can be replaced with the underscore identifierSW-W1009Audit: Use of legacy functions to generate random values can be insecureSW-A1000Comparing two identical operands is likely a mistakeSW-W1015Unit tests marked `private` are silently skippedSW-W1016Void functions should not be used with ternary operatorsSW-W1018Use of unrestricted base URL in web viewSW-S1000Use of insufficient number of iterations during hash computationSW-S1001Audit: Use of potentially insecure options during XML parsingSW-A1001Prefer using `Array(seq)` over `seq.map { $0 }` to convert a sequence into an ArraySW-R1000Always specify message when invoking `fatalError()`SW-R1021Do not name an enum member as `none`SW-R1025An `XCTFail` call should include a description of the assertionSW-R1032`@IBOutlet`s shouldn’t be declared as weakSW-W1020`fileprivate` should be avoidedSW-R1027Delegates should be weak to avoid reference cyclesSW-W1025Prefer using the `hash(into:)` function instead of overriding `hashValue`SW-R1001Use named arguments in multiline Swift closuresSW-R1004Swift constructors are preferred over legacy convenience functionsSW-R1008Prefer `.zero` over explicit init with zero parametersSW-R1009Returning values from a function returning `Void` should be avoidedSW-R1014Extensions shouldn’t be used to group code within the same source fileSW-R1028Force casts should be avoidedSW-W1013self refers to the unapplied `NSObject.self()` method, which is likely not expectedSW-W1017Implicitly unwrapped optionals should be avoided when possibleSW-W1022Prefer using `Set.isDisjoint(with:)` over `Set.intersection(_:).isEmpty`SW-R1007Shorthand syntactic sugar should be used, i.e. `[Type]` instead of `Array<Type>`SW-C1003`@objc` is redundant when used with implicit Objective-C attributeSW-R1011Setter access control should be different from the variable's access levelSW-R1013Avoid using unneeded break statementsSW-R1018Fallthrough should be avoidedSW-W1012Types used for hosting only static members should be implemented as a caseless enum to avoid instantiationSW-R1030String enum values can be omitted when they are equal to the enum case nameSW-R1031Follow conventions while naming typesSW-C1000Missing documentation commentSW-D1001Use shorthand syntax for optional bindingSW-C1001Prefer `flatMap` over `map` followed by `reduce([], +)`SW-P1008`where` clauses are preferred over a single `if` inside a `for` loopSW-R1005`nil` coalescing operator is never evaluated as it's in RHSSW-R1010Redundant `Optional` initializationSW-R1012Declare operators as static functions instead of free functionsSW-R1015Use `#unavailable`/`#available` instead of `#available`/`#unavailable` with an empty bodySW-R1017Do not explicitly call `.init` methodSW-R1022Unused control flow label should be removedSW-W1010Unimplemented functions should be marked as `unavailable`SW-W1014Use `assertionFailure()` and `preconditionFailure()` over `assert(false)`SW-W1021Generic type name should only contain alphanumeric characters, start with an uppercase character and span between 1 and 20 characters in lengthSW-C1002Prefer checking `isEmpty` over comparing `count` to zeroSW-P1005The constant literal should be placed on the right-hand side of the comparison operatorSW-R1003Catch statements should not declare error variables without type castingSW-R1019Empty `XCTest` method should be avoidedSW-W1031Prefer checking `isEmpty` over comparing `string` to an empty string literalSW-P1006Function with cyclomatic complexity higher than thresholdSW-R1002
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TODOs and FIXMEs should be resolvedSW-D1000

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TODO/FIXME comments are usually placed within the source code to indicate that there might be a scenario that is either unaccounted for or that a feature requires further enhancements.

In either way, they must be addressed when and where possible to avoid unintended side-effects or breakdown.