
Insights, stories, and updates from team DeepSource.

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Writing Secure Rust Code with SAST

Rust gives you memory safety guarantees, but you’re still on the hook for security.

Introducing, Pinned Reports

A bird’s eye view of your code health, now on your DeepSource dashboard.

Improve Security Posture with Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

Safeguard Your Software with a Proactive Security Approach: Shift-Left and Reduce Risk

Azure DevOps Services + DeepSource

Our powerful code health stack comes to the Microsoft ecosystem!

Ruby 3.2's WASI Integration: A Closer Look

An insight into the implementation of WASI support in Ruby 3.2

Custom marshalers in Go: An unexpected gotcha

Catching subtle bugs in struct embedding

Introducing, DeepSource Reports

Track code health with security reporting and insights: OWASP® Top 10, CWE/SANS Top 25, and more.

Balancing code quality and developer productivity

How to avoid technical debt while meeting deadlines.

DeepSource's Guide to SAST

How to implement SAST without disrupting your software development workflow.

Aligning software development with business strategy

How engineering leaders can merge technical and business needs to foster efficiency and avoid technical debt.

Debugging Heisenbugs: A tale of parallel processing

How do you debug bugs that disappear when you look at them?

Percent notation in Ruby

How Ruby's percent notation help you write more succinct code.

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