DeepSource Next '21

We're hosting our first virtual conference, and you'll love it!

  • By Sanket
  • ·
  • Company
  • Announcements
Last updated on Apr 16, 2021

UPDATE: DeepSource Next '21 has been rescheduled to June 8, 2021.

India has been affected badly in the second wave of COVID-19. Most Indian cities, including those where a majority of our team members are, are under complete lockdown. Postponing the conference gives us some time to get things in order. We're poised to bring you a better conference soon. 💪🏼

It has been a little over 2 years since DeepSource launched in public. In this period, we've come to be loved by tens of thousands of developers worldwide and thousands of engineering teams who rely on us every day to write good code. This is the driving force behind our constant strive to best ourselves and keep pushing for making better tools available to developers.

And working hard at it, we have been, indeed. We're pleased to announce DeepSource Next '21, our first-ever conference, which will be held on May 18, 2021 June 8, 2021. This is going to be an online event that you can attend from anywhere in the world. The registration is free of cost.

Why you should attend DeepSource Next '21

We've been working on some exciting new product updates — some pretty big ones too! You'll hear from the people who build DeepSource all about those — before everyone else.

We're also inviting a great line-up of speakers to talk about the craft of writing good code and building software in general. You'll get to learn from them in panels and fireside chats and also get a chance to ask your questions.

We can't wait for DeepSource Next '21, and we're hoping to see you there! Please help us spread the word by sharing this blog post on social media if you have registered.

See you soon!👋🏼

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