Release: Test coverage, meta config for analyzers

Quick update that highlights recent product releases and improvements we’ve made.

  • By Jai
  • ·
  • Product
  • Releases
Last updated Apr 8, 2019

Introducing, test coverage tracking

Test coverage is an important metric to keep track of, which helps measure effectiveness of our tests and ensure correctness of our code. We've shipped the first version of DeepSource CLI to facilitate pushing coverage reports via CI systems like Travis, Circle, et al. The test coverage analyzer now accepts coverage report file in Cobertura format for Python projects, and shows you metrics and issues around code coverage.

DeepSource history page for test coverage History > Run > Test Coverage

We've written guides for Travis CI and Circle CI to get you started.

New meta configuration for Python analyzer

The core Python analyzer now supports two new meta configuration options -- max_line_length and skip_doc_coverage. This will help you customize how DeepSource works for your specific needs and tastes. Read the documentation and update your .deepsource.toml to customize these issues.

File contents of .deepsource.toml GitHub > .deepsource.toml contents

DeepSource CLI is now open-source

We've released first version of the CLI. The source code is open, take a look --

CLI screenshot Command Line Interface > Usage

The CLI helps you send artifacts used by analyzers, like test coverage report to the newly release test-coverage analyzer. The future holds many more capabilities!

If you need help with the integration, I'm happy to get you on board. Let me know at [email protected].


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