DeepSource: 2021 In Review
Looking back at how we helped developers ship good code in 2021.
- By Sanket
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We launched DeepSource almost three years ago with a belief that developers deserve access to better tools that help them write code. As the world shifts around us and software permeate every aspect of our society, our job as enablers to those who're building software has never been more important. In our mission to help every developer in the world write good code, we've made some great progress this year — but we're just getting started.
As this year passes by, here are some noteworthy highlights from our journey so far. I hope you enjoy reading through the rest of the blog post as much as we've had fun building DeepSource this year!
We've seen...bugs!
DeepSource's static analysis platform is designed ground up to be fast and accurate. Adoption of the platform grew multiple times this year, with over 1.2 billion unique issues detected by our fourteen Analyzers. We analyzed over 25 billion unique lines of code this year while managing to keep the rate of false positives to 2.8%.
Curious case of unused variables
Variables declared but not referenced were the most frequent issues detected by most of our Analyzers this year. Since Go doesn't allow that by design, the most frequently found issue was the closest thing possible — value assigned to a variable is never read before being overwritten.
More tools to ship good code
We shipped 4 new Analyzers this year — Rust, Scala, PHP, and Secrets. We also shipped automatic code formatters, which we call Transformers, for these languages.
The release of our all-new Next UI was the biggest product update this year, closely followed by the release of DeepSource Enterprise which allows teams to self-host DeepSource on their own servers. Adding to that, we shipped a command-line interface, webhooks, and a nifty tool to automate enabling analysis on hundreds of repositories at once — called Auto Onboard.
Oh, and we also hosted our very first annual conference this year, DeepSource Next '21.
More Sourcerers on the mission
12 more people joined the team this year, bringing the total number of Sourcerers, what we've begun to call ourselves this year, to 32. We also opened our San Francisco HQ earlier this year, adding to our existing Bangalore HQ.
2021 was a defining period in our journey from several aspects — product, adoption, and the team. As we roll into the new year, we are excited about several new product features and capabilities that'll help developers write good code and take us further on our mission. To all our users, customers, friends, and cheerleaders — thank you for all your love and support.
Finally, if you're looking to join us on our mission to help developers ship good code and build tools that will shape the next generation of software development, we're hiring for several roles. Come aboard!