Compiler version must satisfy a semver requirementSOLHINT-W1043No console.log/logInt/logBytesX/logString/etc & No hardhat and forge-std console.sol import statementsSOLHINT-W1007Enforces the use of double or simple quotes as configured for string literals. Values must be 'single' or 'double'SOLHINT-W1017Avoid to use `.call.value()()`SOLHINT-W1036Avoid to use low level callsSOLHINT-W1037Explicitly mark visibility in functionSOLHINT-W1044Explicitly mark all external contracts as trusted or untrustedSOLHINT-W1045Avoid multiple calls of `send` method in single transactionSOLHINT-W1046Fallback function must be simpleSOLHINT-W1047Do not rely on `block.blockhash`. Miners can influence its valueSOLHINT-W1049Use `keccak256` instead of deprecated `sha3`SOLHINT-W1038Use `selfdestruct` instead of deprecated `suicide`SOLHINT-W1039`throw` is deprecated, avoid to use itSOLHINT-W1040Avoid to use tx.originSOLHINT-W1041Check result of `send` callSOLHINT-W1042Line length must be no more than maxlenSOLHINT-W1005Avoid to use inline assembly. It is acceptable only in rare casesSOLHINT-W1048Avoid making time-based decisions in your business logicSOLHINT-W1050Possible reentrancy vulnerabilities. Avoid state changes after transferSOLHINT-W1051Explicitly mark visibility of stateSOLHINT-W1052Function body contains `count` lines but allowed no more than maxlinesSOLHINT-W1004Function order is incorrectSOLHINT-W1032Import statements must be on topSOLHINT-W1033Function has cyclomatic complexity `current` but allowed no more than maxcomplSOLHINT-W1001Forbid or enforce explicit types (like uint256) that have an alias (like uint)SOLHINT-W1003Contract has `some count` states declarations but allowed no more than maxstatesSOLHINT-W1006Code block has zero statements inside. Exceptions applySOLHINT-W1008Import statement includes an entire file instead of selected symbolsSOLHINT-W1009Imported object name is not being used by the contractSOLHINT-W1010Variable `name` is unusedSOLHINT-W1011Enforces the use of ONE Contract per fileSOLHINT-W1012When fallback is not payable you will not be able to receive ethersSOLHINT-W1013Require or revert statement must have a reason string and check that each reason string is at most N characters longSOLHINT-W1014Constructors should use the new constructor keywordSOLHINT-W1015Constant name must be in capitalized SNAKE_CASE. (Does not check IMMUTABLES, use immutable-vars-naming)SOLHINT-W1018Contract, Structs and Enums should be in CamelCaseSOLHINT-W1019Event name must be in CamelCaseSOLHINT-W1020Enforce naming convention on functions for Foundry test casesSOLHINT-W1021Function name must be in mixedCaseSOLHINT-W1022Enforce named parameters for function calls with 4 or more arguments. This rule may have some false positivesSOLHINT-W1023Function param name must be in mixedCaseSOLHINT-W1024Check Immutable variables. Capitalized SNAKE_CASE or mixedCase depending on configurationSOLHINT-W1025Modifier name must be in mixedCaseSOLHINT-W1026Solidity v0.8.18 introduced named parameters on the mappings definitionSOLHINT-W1027Enforce the return values of a function to be namedSOLHINT-W1028Non-external functions and state variables should start with a single underscore. Others, shouldn'tSOLHINT-W1029Variable name must be in mixedCase. (Does not check IMMUTABLES, use immutable-vars-naming)SOLHINT-W1031Check order of elements in file and inside each contract, according to the style guideSOLHINT-W1034Visibility modifier must be first in list of modifiersSOLHINT-W1035Check that all public or external functions are override. This is iseful to make sure that the whole API is extracted in an interfaceSOLHINT-W1016Avoid to use letters 'I', 'l', 'O' as identifiersSOLHINT-W1030Enforces the use of Custom Errors over Require and Revert statementsSOLHINT-W1002
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Forbid or enforce explicit types (like uint256) that have an alias (like uint)SOLHINT-W1003

Minor severityMinor
Anti-pattern categoryAnti-pattern

Forbid or enforce explicit types (like uint256) that have an alias (like uint).

Bad Practice

  1. If explicit is selected
uint public variableName
  1. If implicit is selected
uint256 public variableName
  1. At any setting
uint public variableName = uint256(5)
  1. If explicit is selected
uint256 public variableName
  1. If implicit is selected
uint public variableName
  1. If explicit is selected
uint256 public variableName = uint256(5)

Learn more

explicit-types on Solhint's documentation.