


Posts from team Deepsource related to Insights

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OWASP Top 10: Broken Authentication

An overview of the broken authentication security threat from OWASP Top 10.

Walrus operator in Python 3.8: a primer

The definitive tutorial for the all-new assignment expressions syntax in Python 3.8 with examples.

OWASP Top 10: Injection

An overview of the code injection security threat from OWASP Top 10.

What's new in Python 3.8?

Significant additions in Python 3.8 such as walrus operator, positional only arguments, new syntax warnings.

Common beginner mistakes in Python

A short list of patterns that beginners miss while writing Python.

Code review best practices

Simple rules that make peer code reviews work better for teams.

Best practices for using Git

Simple conventions which make Git work best for a team.

The exponential cost of fixing bugs

Learn about how the best time to detect and fix bugs is before you push code to production.

Benefits of Continuous Quality

Reasons why adding CQ to your development pipeline is worth it.

Importance of software documentation

Comments age like fish, unlike code.

What is technical debt?

Understanding one of the most important tenets of software engineering.

What's new in Python 3.11?

Built-in TOML support, better exceptions, and typing improvements.

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DeepSource is free forever for small teams and open-source projects. Start analyzing your code in less than 2 minutes.


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