Static Analysis
Static Code Analysis

Fast and reliable static analysis. No CI required.

DeepSource integrates natively with your version control system, runs analysis on every commit, and helps you prevents 3,000+ code quality issues.

Static Analysis

Ship maintainable code without compromising speed.

DeepSource helps you modernize your software development workflow by automating code quality with state-of-the-art static analysis, so you fix problems before merging code.

Supports all major programming languages

16+ static analyzers that support all modern technologies, are updated frequently, and provide the most comprehensive issue coverage in the industry.

Less than 5% of false positives

Our powerful analysis post-processing framework looks at explicit and implicit signals to show you only the most relevant issues without the noise commonly seen in other static analysis tools.

Doesn’t require a CI build

All analysis runs in our fully isolated sandbox optimized for parallelism and speed, so you don’t need to add another step to your build pipelines and spend extra on CI build time.

Simple configuration

Enable as many static analyzers as you need on a repository without installing any dependencies or maintaining complex configuration files. A simple .deepsource.toml file is all you need.

Powerful quality gates

Create sophisticated gating rules based on issue category and priorities and configure your VCS provider to block pull-request if any of these rules are violated.

Continuous Analysis

Automatically analyze every commit and pull request created on the repository without any additional configuration. Track your default development branch along with all open pull requests.
Standardize code quality across the organization

Standardize code quality across the organization

DeepSource makes it easy to implement code quality automation across all repositories in your organization from a central dashboard without any manual configuration. Paired with our powerful reporting capabilities, you get insight into the key focus areas to improve the codebase's maintainability.

Shorten the code review cycle

With continuous static analysis on every commit, developers get instant feedback on their code about bad coding practices and known defects that they can fix before sending the pull requests for a manual code review. This decreases back-and-forth on a pull request and leaves more time for in-depth subjective reviews by peers.

Shorten the code review cycle
Standardize code quality across the organization

Onboard new developers faster

All issues raised by DeepSource come with helpful descriptions that describe why it’s a bad coding pattern, demonstrate it with examples, and point to external references for further reading. This helps new developers, especially junior ones, learn more about writing better code and getting up to speed with the team’s expectations in coding standards.

Shorten the code review cycle


How do you guarantee less than 5% of false positives?

Traditional static analyzers stop at running static analysis tools on your code and show you the results. On DeepSource, that’s just the first step in our analysis pipeline. We build our own static analyzers optimized for accuracy and pair that with a powerful processing engine that looks at several explicit and implicit signals from your team’s usage of DeepSource to remove irrelevant results and noise.

Loved by developers. Trusted by enterprises.

Our platform enables thousands of enterprises to manage their code health while providing their developers a pleasant experience.

I'm a big fan of DeepSource. I reviewed quite a few products to better support our engineers and the quality of problems found was far better than Codacy or Code Climate for our Python backend codebase.

Adam Pietrzycki


We compared it against other tools and DeepSource seemed to find more meaningful things in the code. Since we've adopted it, we've hired more junior-level engineers to focus on the bug risks and security issues DeepSource finds. It finds things our engineers generally miss.

John Craft

VP of Engineering

DeepSource looks at things that might create a security problem or a performance problem going forward; or if we're violating a best practice. All that gets codified into DeepSource and as developers, for code reviews, now we can focus on higher-order bits.

Arpit Mohan

Co-founder & CEO

DeepSource is static code analysis for humans. Stop wasting your time setting up and maintaining CLI tools on CI, just use DeepSource.

Ruslan Kuprieiev

Team Lead

Thanks to DeepSource, all our code quality practices are now automated. It automatically highlights code quality issues and helps us fix them even before someone reviews the code manually — saving a lot of the reviewer's time.

Joy Lal Chattaraj


Start managing your code
health from a single platform.