

Jai Pradeesh

Insights, stories, and updates from Jai Pradeesh.
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Release: Re-thinking test coverage

Test coverage tracking support is now available for Python, Go and Ruby.

Package management in Go

Brief overview of package management in Go — pre and post Go modules

How Masonite ships good code with DeepSource

Q&A with creator Joe Mancuso.

Release: Granular analysis on diffs

On changeset analysis, we now raise issues only on the changed lines, not files.

Release: Test coverage, meta config for analyzers

Quick update that highlights recent product releases and improvements we’ve made.

Importance of software documentation

Comments age like fish, unlike code.

What is technical debt?

Understanding one of the most important tenets of software engineering.

Get started with DeepSource

DeepSource is free forever for small teams and open-source projects. Start analyzing your code in less than 2 minutes.


Read product updates, company announcements, how we build DeepSource, what we think about good code, and more.

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