May 14, 2024
Enterprise Server v3.29.0

Support for Java 21

DeepSource's Java Analyzer now supports Java 21, the latest long-term support (LTS) release of Java Platform.

Java 21 introduces several new features and improvements like pattern-matching for switch statements, record patterns, among several others. DeepSource can now recognize these new patterns in your code and help you find and fix code quality and security issues in them.

Follow the discussion here and let us know your feedback!

Optional merge request status checks for GitLab

You can now disable DeepSource's external status check from being sent to GitLab. To still block the merge request due to DeepSource check failures, you can query the Analysis Run API.

Merge Request Status Checks Setting

To read more about why we shipped this and why you need this, read the discussion here.

Ship clean and secure code.